Reid Stowe on his ‘Mars Ocean Odyssey’ Day 1088

Posted By on April 13, 2010

Schooner Anne (digital view)

As I continue following Reid Stowe (previous) and his sailing “Mars Ocean Odyssey,” I wanted to post a short video of him and Soanya shortly after setting sail 3 years ago (below). They began their “odyssey” as a couple in April of 2007, but Reid has continued on alone after Soanya left the schooner as she struggled with seasickness … and no doubt the difficulty of life at sea. Shortly after she also delivered a a baby boy— hmm???

To update Reid’s sailing, he is well past the ‘1000 days at sea’ goal, and is at day 1088 on his way back to New York. His plan is to continue sailing north in the Atlantic and to sail up the Hudson River with a flotilla of boats around the third week of June 2010. The voyage is interesting since the majority has been alone for Reid. It has not been without struggle … both physically and mentally … but amazingly the schooner is still sound and his spirit good. The computers that he used to post messages to the blog gave out last year but his food supplies are plenty (prepared for two). There are still a few short messages posted to the website, but as expected, he seems a bit ‘out there’ … and probably always was: “I WEAR MY VIOLET TRANSPARENT HEALING CAPE OUT IN THE SUN. IT TURNS ME VIOLET & HEALS & INVIGORATES ME!” — Reid Stowe 4/11/2010

[flv:First-Gale.flv 425 320]


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog