Friday Filler: Even crabs hate getting sand in their eyes

| September 9, 2022

Who likes getting sand blown in their eyes at the beach … not even crabs.

The itsy bitsy spider stopped by the pool: Misumessus oblongus

| August 4, 2022

One never knows who will stop by to join me by the pool on a hot evening (it is hot this week). On Wednesday it was an American Green Crab Spider (Misumessus oblongus). These little “almost luminous” vivid green spiders move like crabs but don’t spin spider webs. They spend their time climbing through green […]

A cute beach crab GIF and an eye-opening #filler shark photo

| August 2, 2020

This is when you are glad that you at least out on the water with a long board.  #surfing And if that is not your cup of tea … maybe strolling down the beach and poking a crab is more your speed?

The most interesting thing you will learn this weekend

| November 24, 2012

I’ve enjoyed beachcombing and ocean exploring all my life, but I never realized just how important the prehistoric looking horseshoe crab is to biomedical science and pharmaceutical research. For 30 years I’ve had shells, sand terrariums and even a horseshoe crab shell hanging in my office but never knew all that much about them … […]

Honda Element Commercial: “I Pinch …”

| August 27, 2006

Every once in a while I enjoy posting something that tickles my funny bone. The Crab vs. Element clip is definitely a cute 30 second commercial. Honda would be smart to bring the creative Element and Friends TV “Crab” TV commercial to a few select markets … if not nationwide. I think it would be […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog