John Deere 330 Diesel 10K Generator project update

| October 13, 2016

After doing a little maintenance and replacing the front tires on the John Deere 330 last month, I finally finished the simple 10K generator setup and wired up a new longer power-to-house cable. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to come up with a mount that makes it easy enough from my wife to connect the generator […]

Borrowing money at low rates when emergencies arise

| September 9, 2015

I’m a Dave Ramsey advocate for the most part and prefer not to borrow money for anything other than a home. Unfortunately that’s challenging for most people as well as yours truly a few items in the past. Brenda and I borrowed when starting and expanding our small business, for the occasional new car (a […]

Gum foil and a battery makes a perfect emergency firestarter

| January 18, 2015

I’m sure this idea has been around for a while since I’ve even tried my hand at welding with a car battery … but did you know you can create fire by cutting gum foil and using a small 1/1/2 volt battery?

Emergency cooking on toilet paper and alcohol can stove

| December 28, 2014

On a previous sailboat and in my backpacking gear I use an alcohol stove for cooking, but the other day I saw a video clip expanding an idea for emergency or “bugout bag” use. (video below) The concept is pretty simple: Use a roll or partial roll of toilet paper as a wick to absorb […] or Gfycat and an emergency carry technique

| September 25, 2014

Here’s another test after using it for a Facebook share yesterday. I’ve found it a little be better than that I’ve used before since the purpose was to post to a social network.  Besides, I thought this was an interesting demo: A technique for carrying a person/body quickly in an emergency.

Concern for 16 year old solo sailor Abby Sunderland

| June 10, 2010

I’ve posted a couple of times on circumnavigators and in particular a couple solo sailors that are female. I followed and shared emails with Donna Lange a few years ago as she rounded the globe and have recently posted on Jessica Watson (Australian teen) who completed her circumnavigation and 16 year old Abby Sunderland of the […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog