Podcasts: Jennifer Burns talks Milton Friedman with Lex Fridman

| January 29, 2025

As mentioned Saturday, Brenda and I are focused on better health and walking (relatively fast-paced walk and 6-7 miles). While doing this, my new Apple Watch has a podcast app which connects to my bone-conduction Aeropex headset (also work well for phone calls). Also trying the “screenshot” feature on the watch — image right. Anyway, […]

Audiobook: “Land Of Big Numbers” by WSJ’s Te-Ping Chen

| June 8, 2022

In keeping with a previous book, I downloaded another book: “Land Of Big Numbers” by Te-Ping Chen. It is a collection of stories … on the “diverse and legion Chinese people” and according to a review, this book offers an “acute social insight” on Chinese history, their government, “and how all of that tumbled—messy, violently, […]

Tech Friday: A new Shokz headset called OPENRUN is available

| March 25, 2022

Those who know me likely have noticed that I’m often wearing an Aftershokz headset. I’ve worn them for the last several years and since my hearing has been impacted by Ménière’s disease way back in the late 1990s (long story) … in dealing with Menieres related hearing loss, I have found a bone conduction headset […]

Music Monday: R.Dean Taylor – Indiana Wants Me (1970)

| March 25, 2019

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Pandora celebrates 10 years with an ad free day on 9/9/2015

| September 4, 2015

Pandora has announced that it will celebrate it’s 10th anniversary on Wednesday September 9th and will offer those who are non-paying listeners with an ad free day. According to a Forbes article, free listeners still make up 95% of Pandoras’ active users and maybe hoping that a sample of what the premium paid-subscriber tier is […]

Earhoox: A cure for loose fitting earbuds

| April 5, 2014

Although only one of my ears is truly working as it is suppose to due to Ménière’s disease back in the late 1990s, I still enjoy “an” earbud in order to listen to music, news or the occasional phone call on my iPhone.  Unfortunately the newer Apple earbuds do not fit my ears as well […]

Tech Friday: umano read-it-to-me iPhone app

| October 4, 2013

One of my favorite apps on my iPhone is the NPR podcast app and I particularly enjoy listening to the in-depth stories on my time, rather than trying to tune in when they are live or reading the stories later. I also download other podcasts using iTunes or Stitcher, but in some cases have found either […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog