Charge your phone with a 4″ Windmill

Posted By on February 22, 2006

And you thought “Quisp was for kids?” (or is that Trix?)
NV Satyanarayana, a science graduate based in India, has developed a Micro Windmill Mobile charger designed to use the wind to charge cells phones. It is fan blade connected to a generator with an output wire which connects to your mobile phone.
Windmill for Mobile PhonesThe big advantage is that the average efficiency of windmills is 35% whereas the comparable solar units are about 15%. According to NewLaunches website, the Mobile Windmill unit is weather proof and lightweight. It can also be used to charge batteries for other devices such as laptops, handheld computers/PDAs, MP3 players and video games.

Animated Prop Head


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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