For all the wonderful dads out there … Happy Father’s Day

| June 16, 2024

Today has me thinking of the two dads in my life (DadC and DadH) as well as the father of my two granddaughters, Drew. I thank them for being great mentors … by using the stern hand of guidance when it was required … with an abundance of self-discipline … and always being the provider […]

A different kind of Memorial Day remembrance

| May 27, 2024

Each year Memorial Day holiday often brings out the best in Americans. Those I know, at least give “thought” to the service men and women who fought and died to protect and preserve our country, our freedom and way of life. It is of course, will never be enough appreciation from those of us who […]

Happy Mother’s Day 2024 to Brenda, Katelyn and ALL Moms

| May 12, 2024

While picking out a card for “the mother of my grown children” this year, I couldn’t help notice how inflation has impacted the price of greeting cards. Perhaps when I was in the business of putting ink on paper, the price per sheet as it were, I wasn’t really given too much thought to each […]

Thanks all for reminding me that I’m another year older 🙃

| May 8, 2024

Late spring yard work and continued Kubota diagnosis and repairs continued over the weekend, but on the 7th, another year for me is in the books; can’t say I’m feeling all that different? But THANK YOU to my family and friends for wishing me a Happy Birthday … and some doing the traditional Howard family […]

Archive: A few leftover Valentine’s Day photos to make me smile

| February 15, 2024

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Happy Valentine’s Day: A NEW, but OLD, television series for us

| February 14, 2024

After subscribing to PeacockTV in order to watch one of the NFL playoff games this year, Brenda and I found a new but older television series call “The Office.” We are not so disconnected from popular TV entertainment to not have known about it, but just never spent time watching television when it was in […]

Weekend trip to Whitehouse Ohio and Christmas de-decorating

| January 9, 2024

This may have been the third year in a row that I’ve “pruned” the dry Christmas tree apart in the house rather than yanking it through the back door or having another disaster. Why didn’t I do this in previous years? Brenda and I also made a trip to visit Katelyn, Drew and family in […]

Beware of dogs … when disposing of Christmas trees #humor

| January 7, 2024

Just a bit of Christmas and New Year’s Day holiday cleaning up humor found on

Replaced the Weber iGrill meat probe after frying the original

| January 3, 2024

While grilling “bacon wrapped” steaks (bacon was the problem) over Christmas this year on our Weber Grill … I “over-cooked” (or perhaps “fried”) the meat probe for the Weber iGrill temperature monitor. I knew when the plastic caught fire that it wasn’t good, but thought perhaps the braided wiring and probe itself might still be […]

Music Monday: Dave Matthews and JB’s “A Pirate Looks at Forty”

| January 1, 2024

When a few of my “other” favorite groups or musicians sing Jimmy Buffett songs, I can’t help but listen and sing along (suspect I’m not the only one who will miss his music)? In December, a social media friend forwarded the YouTube video below, but thought I would include a Zac Brown Band and Jimmy […]

Archiving our Corbett family Christmas get togethers for 2023

| December 27, 2023

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A Music and Movie Monday Merry Christmas to ALL!

| December 25, 2023

Pre-posting a Christmas day blog update as I’m expecting to be busy with our family … and for the record … I am finally getting in the spirit and correct mood to celebrate Christ’s birthday. Since this is a Music Monday, it is appropriate to include the most popular Christmas song in America … BUT […]

This year’s Christmas woodworking project: A Puppet Stage

| December 24, 2023

It is becoming more and more difficult to remember what I’ve added to the blog and what I have not when it comes to woodworking projects? I had thought I might have mentioned a few of the steps back in November regarding doweling a couple of unique joints when building a Puppet Stage for my […]

Closing in on Christmas, so why am I not in the right mood?

| December 20, 2023

Ok, so I’m not focused this year on “the reason for the season” (or frankly even the secular celebration of Christmas) … therefore it is really time to do something about it. We didn’t even write our Corbett Christmas Letter!  Thankfully turning to Truth For Life and Alistair Begg’s teachings and message “It is HIStory” […]

Finding a Chrstmas Tree while Brenda shops with Taylor

| December 9, 2023

This would be a great photo of Brenda and Taylor, but for being a blurry selfie (click to see larger). Oh well, I enjoyed seeing the two of them out for their annual mother and son Christmas shopping and evening dinner. I hope they were successful?  While they were out, I did my annual the […]

A day for Gratitude: A Journey Through History

| November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving traces its origins to the 1621 harvest celebration held by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag people in Plymouth, Massachusetts. This historic gathering marked a season of abundance and marked the beginning of a tradition that would become a cornerstone of American culture. Thanksgiving serves as a universal reminder to thank our Creator for our […]

Remember our Veterans this weekend and HB to the USMC

| November 11, 2023

Yesterday was the 248th birthday for the USMC (my X or tweet below). They have an amazing history and those who serve or served (once a Marine always a Marine) have a good reason to be proud. Their bravery and sacrifice was cemented for me earlier this year after listening to the audiobook by Eugene […]

The Declaration of Independence: Freedom isn’t free

| July 4, 2023

Here’s an afternoon post for the 4th of July … our U.S. Independence Day. Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons […]

Happy Father’s Day with a few leftover garage sale photos

| June 18, 2023

It was an end of the week “Safety Town graduation” and garage sale for Katelyn, Brenda and the girls (and Saturday sale for Drew) as they “unloaded” some stuff before having to move it. They did well and on top of it was a great time to be together (from what I’ve heard). All in […]

Music Monday: The band America and the song “Here”

| May 29, 2023

For Music Monday and for Memorial Day this week I’m letting ChatGPT write the post for the 1971 song “Here” by the British–American (cough, cough) rock band America (formed in London in 1970 by Dewey Bunnell, Dan Peek, and Gerry Beckley [wrote this song] — at least they are all Americans). 🙃     America […]

Wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to Brenda and Katelyn … and Happy Birthday to my daughter too

| May 14, 2023

Blooming love’s embrace,Mother’s heart, radiant grace,Forever cherished. While listening to a news program a couple of weeks ago, the morning hosts talked about receiving too many long, overly wordy interoffice emails and notes; I assume journalists can be longwinded? A Haiku challenge ensued.  Haiku (俳句) is a type of short form poetry originally from Japan. […]

Tech Friday: How about a new iPhone14 for Mother’s Day?

| May 5, 2023

Last month I switched my LTE iPhone 7-plus to USMobile, a budget-friendly wireless carrier, and have been satisfied with the trial. Since I will likely stay with the service after making the cumbersome switch from Mint Mobile, I started to think about switching Brenda’s iPhone7 — ugh! So after a little discussion with her about […]

“Where, O death, is your sting?” Happy Easter 2023!

| April 9, 2023

Easter is a time for celebration, a time to reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and a time to rejoice in His victory over death. It is the day that we Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ; His resurrection is the foundation of our faith. The crucifixion of Jesus was a sign […]

Happy Valentine’s Day to my special girls

| February 14, 2023

It is not a Throwback Thursday #TBT post, but the Echo Show photo below is from a previous year. Happy Valentine’s Day! The REAL Valentine’s Day story … (yikes!) The Catholic martyr St. Valentine was beheaded on that date in the third century, supposedly for breaking a Roman ban on performing marriages. Now in Dublin […]

Wishing ALL a Happy and Healthy New Year in 2023

| January 1, 2023

I would like to wish everyone visiting a Happy and Healthy New Year … and after seeing this “black ice” social media shared video from last months deadly winter storm … safe traveling in 2023. Whew … very frightening.

Saving family photos from our Corbett-Oostra Christmas 2022

| December 29, 2022

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A lesser known tidbit for Christmas day #humor

| December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas to all … and may your next year be a healthy and happy one. Here’s a little (very little) cowboy humor as a filler post for the day. 😀

Proposing our family listen to a podcast on Christmas Eve

| December 24, 2022

Jane Wells has been a reporter for CNBC (“Janie” as the late Mark Haines called her)  that I’ve followed for years while watching business news channels (or should I have said, “is a ‘has-been’ reporter?” – hopefully a little humor that she would appreciate!). Anyway, I always smiled when watching her “quirky” stories and reporting […]

Keeping an eye on the weather for Christmas week travelers

| December 17, 2022

We have had a relatively mild, although gloomy, couple of weeks this December 2022 so far … unlike it was in 2010. BUT … this could change by the end of next week as the forecast is for a winter snowstorm to hit much of the eastern half of the U.S. According to forecasting yesterday, […]

Archive: Merry Christmas 2022 and have a Happy New Year

| December 14, 2022

As is my December tradition, I’m including a digital copy of what once was our Corbett Christmas Letter but is now a just a “card” on my blog. Our year as a family was full of too many great times to include, but highlighted by a special event: a 40th Anniversary and trip planned by […]

Festivus … “the all-inclusive December gathering” #humor

| December 1, 2022

With Thanksgiving behind us, I’m wondering if Brenda is adopting a new-to-us December holiday tradition? Perhaps or most likely not … but I do see something that looks like a Seinfeld-like “Festivus” pole in our foyer. For those familiar with the the long running television comedy Seinfeld, you will recall immediately the 1997 episode call […]

Thanksgiving 2022: “Out of the mouth of babes …”

| November 24, 2022

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Remembering Lt. Frederick Howard on this Veterans Day

| November 11, 2022

Although there are many who serve or served our country we can think about on this Veterans Day, I’ve opted to reflect on my late father-in-law, Frederick Howard, who navigated B-26 bombers over Europe in World War II. He was definitely part of the “Greatest Generation” and volunteered immediately when he came of age and […]

Archiving photos from our Trick or Treating family in 2022

| November 1, 2022

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Number of shots or gun salute for Independence Day celebration?

| July 4, 2022

According to a little American Revolutionary War reading this past year, our Declaration of Independence was celebrated on July 4, 1777 with a 13-gun salute in the morning and 13-gun salute in the evening (13 for the 13 colonies). Interestingly, many historians suggest that the Declaration of Independence was actually signed on July 2, 1776 and […]

Wishing all the purpose-filled dads a Happy Father’s Day

| June 19, 2022

I enjoyed a very nice Father’s Day on “Saturday” yesterday with Taylor, Megan and their long time friend Meredith, who was “dog-sitting” her sister’s dog “Chase” (below). They enjoyed the nice weather around and in the pool while I busied myself with a few projects … one of which was adding the additional pipes to […]

Music Monday oriented Memorial Day: Vietnam vets likely remember singing “We’ve Gotta Get Out Of This Place”

| May 30, 2022

This Memorial Day reflection is a bit different than previous posts. Instead of an overall encompassing remembrance on all those who died in armed service to our country, it is a combined Music Monday twist that is a little more narrowly focused on those who fought and died in the Vietnam War (1955-1975). At the […]

Enjoyed a Mother’s Day beach week of R & R in Florida

| May 10, 2022

Depressing as it may be, our vacation in Delray Beach is over, but it was a perfect and needed rest and relaxation trip. Our old 2002 Honda Odyssey is still surviving … although I did pondering a new Florida vehicle after having to jumpstart and fidget with the flakey AC. Yet it still didn’t convince […]

Happy Mother’s Day to a couple of wonderful moms

| May 8, 2022

It is difficult not to recognize what great moms both MomC and MomH were to me … but since they are no longer here, I want to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to a couple of great moms — my wife Brenda and daughter Katelyn. They both have risen to the most important role of […]

Thought: The debt of sin. Paid in full. Completely and forever.

| April 15, 2022

Pondering the suffering and sacrifice our Savior made for us nearly 2000 years ago – Good Friday 2022. “I am wholly deserving of all the consequences that I will in fact never receive simply because God unashamedly stepped in front of me on the cross, unflinchingly spread His arms so as to completely shield me […]

Marking Presidents’ Day with a Republican oriented photo

| February 21, 2022

Although the artist wasn’t mentioned, Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordan tweeted out an impressive painting this afternoon. Happy Presidents’ Day.

Books: “Wealth, War and Wisdom” by Barton Biggs (2009) and a little “How Long will the Santa Mouse Decor Remain” humor

| February 13, 2022

We’ve never been all that timely in getting Christmas decorations put away after the holidays, but this year we … and by “we” I mean Brenda … has been slower than usual. To be fair, most everything has been packed and put away, but there are a few stragglers still around our house. I’m not […]

Once again, Christmas gifts we use everyday from the kids

| January 18, 2022

Well done again Katelyn,Drew, Megan and Taylor. Thank you. Of all the “too many” gifts this year, you guys have managed to “once again” come up with great gifts. The automated and “generous” (inside joke) liquid hand soap dispenser is perfect for our kitchen. Brenda and I use it multiple times each day and find […]

Archive: The folding Dollhouse Christmas project for Ellerie

| January 6, 2022

The scratch-built & designed (from a photo Katelyn sent) folding-case wooden Dollhouse for Ellerie was a success for Christmas this year. I was pretty sure Katelyn would like this sort-of heirloom toy, but I was unsure if a little granddaughter used to blinking gadgets and modern plastic toys would take to it, but she enjoyed […]

Archive: Our 2021 Family Christmas over New Years

| January 5, 2022

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New Year’s Eve Friday Filler Photo: Make 2022 better than 2021

| December 31, 2021

As we wind down 2021 and close the book on a stressful COVID19 filled year … here’s hoping next year will bring an end to the pandemic. If that is not going to be the case, then let’s hope the Omicron Variant isn’t as deadly as the Delta Variant … and that we will keep […]

Simple TableSaw or Bandsaw miter jig idea for #Woodworking

| December 28, 2021

As usual, I was late in coming across a simple workshop miter guide for my table saw, although more recently something I needed for my small bandsaw. While working on a Christmas project for my granddaughter, I needed to cut a bunch of small pieces where I didn’t lose so much wood to the table […]

Boxing Day update and our Christmas yet-to-be family rotation

| December 26, 2021

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Merry Christmas to all … and may every reindeer eat a carrot

| December 25, 2021

Wishing all who read My Desultory Blog a very Merry Christmas, good health and a very Happy New Year.

Not the Christ you want, but the Christ you need

| December 24, 2021

It is not easy to follow Christ, but His teachings, AND gift of salvation, are what we sinners need. Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  – Matthew 4:19 While mailing out our Christmas cards, decorating our Christmas tree and reflecting on this past year, I listened […]

Merry Christmas 2021 and Happy New Year from both of us

| December 20, 2021

Perhaps the days of our yearly-update annual Corbett Christmas Letter stuffed into a Christmas card are in the past? We have succumb to the popular printed photo card and figured that those who might want to know more about our year might just read my blog (a shameless plug). This year we decided not to […]

A couple days of photos leftover from the weekend: Part 2

| December 9, 2021

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Thanksgiving with my brother and a few wrap-up photos

| November 28, 2021

Having Thanksgiving at my brother’s house with our family (minus Jaben who recently had COVID19) was one of those photo days that I should have packed my Lumix camera. The lighting was a bit dark and into window light for an older iPhone … and without a tripod was challenging. I propped it between some […]

Happy Thanksgiving 2021

| November 25, 2021

It has been a challenging couple of years for most of the country and the world in not only combatting the Coronavirus pandemic’s loss of life and economic impact, but the psychological stress. I am thankful we in America have medical care and the pharmaceutical science able to rapidly develop antiviral medicines and vaccines. Let’s […]

Archive: Our Halloween Trick or Treating Goblins for 2021

| November 2, 2021

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Archive: Leftover personal family 4th of July weekend photos

| July 10, 2021

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Independence Day 2021: Stand for the “Red, White and Blue”

| July 4, 2021

Well … no surprise, but divisiveness (or just a “put the spotlight on me”) continues in our free-to-protest country. At one time, standing for our flag, appreciating living free from government oppression in America and singing … or at least respecting … our National Anthem was nearly universal, but in the past decade, not so […]

Memorial Day: Honor those who gave their life for our country

| May 30, 2021

Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day and was first observed on May 30th, 1868 to commemorate the sacrifice’s of Civil War soldiers. It was declared a General Order No. 11 by General John A. Logan on May 5, 1868. The General Order stated: “The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose […]

Happy Mother’s Day: Revere, respect and honor your mother. Who knows how many days either of you will have.

| May 9, 2021

I probably should be quoting from Leviticus 19:3, but I can’t help but remember Ferris Bueller commenting that, “Life moves pretty fast …” when thinking about respecting and honoring mothers today. So for Mother’s Day 2021, focus your attention on your mother before it is too late … because from experience, “life does move pretty […]

Ancestry and two cute St. Patrick’s Day granddaughter photos

| March 21, 2021

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Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog