We planted a couple trees 15 years ago. They have grown. #TBT

Posted By on October 17, 2024

Bald Cypress and Dawn Redwood Trees - 240926

It has been 15 years since we planted the Dawn Redwood tree in our backyard (tree to the right in above photo) and it is still growing strong. I’m starting to think we may have picked a spot a little to close to the pool, although it is still 40 feet away. A year later in 2010, we added a Bald Cypress which has been a beautiful tree … although both do shed some very fine conifer “lacy needles.”

So for this first Throwback Thursday #TBT of October 2024, check out the “when planted” (photo left below) vs a 2024 photo of the same Redwood tree (below right).

Dawn Redwood in September 2009 Dawn Redwood in September 2024

Also, the new photos were also an excuse to test the new iPhone 16 Pro Max camera … so click for larger photos.

Books: Planning to read “Accidental Super Power 10 Years On”

Posted By on October 16, 2024

Two years ago I read Peter Zeihan’s book,  “The End Of The World Is Just The Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization,” onAccidental Super Power 10 Years In my friend Jeff’s recommendation. We discussed a few thoughts over lunch (as usual) … but instead of a Kindle book for an upcoming trip, I opted to buy the used paperback book, “Accidental Super Power 10 Years On.” 

Amazon Purchase

He’s already read it since Peter Zeihan’s thinking parallels his views in seeing the US in decline … and frankly in moral decay. As much as I want to deny the negative mindset, I  can’t help but wonder if our country has lost its way?

I’m sad to be thinking that this once “shining city on the hill” isn’t shining as bright as it once did … or is on the verge of disappering as did other nations experimenting with democracy.

Andrew Higgins and the LCVP Higgins Boat of World War II

Posted By on October 15, 2024

Movie Poster for PT-109Ever since I was a kid in elementary school and heard about John F. Kennedy’s World War 2 story and then read Robert Donovan‘s book “PT-109: John F. Kennedy in WW II” and movie “PT-109,” I’ve admired what innovated boatbuilders PT-105 Boat 1942could do with plywood (besides utility trailer sides, I had a plywood dingy when I was a kid too). Anyway, in the early 1940s, these “mosquito boats” were an amazing small boats especially in South Pacific, both to interrupt Japanese shipping as a 80-foot Elco PT boats (patrol torpedo boat) … or to swiftly move even General MacArthur off the Philippines and to safety as he built up the U.S. military forces in order to defeat Tojo and the Japanese Empire.

LCVP Higgins Boat

The PT boats were not the only “plywood” boat used in World War II … and probably not the “most important” either. That monicker is held for the LCVPs designed Andrew Higginsby Andrew Higgins and used to land troops onto the beaches: think about the thousands of troops who landed on the beaches of Normandy.

General Dwight Eisenhower was quoted as saying, “Andrew Higgins … is the man who won the war for us. … If Higgins had not designed and built those LCVPs, we never could have landed over an open beach. The whole strategy of the war would have been different.” According to the enemy, Adolf Hitler dubbed the boatbuilder as the “New Noah.”

From plywood airplanes and gliders … to the Higgins Boat (LCVP) used to win World War II … plywood deserves far more credit than the disposable Thinking emoji4 x 8 sheets from big box stores that we purchase to board up windows these days. 

Landing crafts on Normandy Beaches
See CNN D-Day Gallery of photos

Music Monday: Willie Nelson singing “On The Road Again” (1979)

Posted By on October 14, 2024

Willie NelsonA quick song for Music Monday that is fitting for today. “On The Road Again” is from Willie Nelson in his prime … and one that everybody knows, probably by heart.

If you don’t know the song or the artist, you haven’t lived long enough. 😊  

Downloaded a free audiobook by Alistair Begg on “Lasting Love: How To Avoid Marital Failure”

Posted By on October 13, 2024

Lasting LoveThe Christian mentoring organization Truth For Life, centered around the teachings of Pastor Alistair Begg has a new audio book on marriage call “Lasting Love” that I’ve recently downloaded. I can’t comment on it yet since I’ve not listen to it, but if it is anything like his other books, it should be helping in building a relationship to last a lifetime … and as the title references, “how to avoid marital failure.” 

Devotional link

For those who have occasionally read a post or two before on TFL and Alistair Begg, you’l know that I’m a listener and reader of their publications and devotionals.

If you are interested, here’s the link to download Lasting Love

Woodworking: A couple tidbits worth saving for the workshop

Posted By on October 12, 2024

Snipping from my digital woodworking magazines definitely become a habit, although I’m not sure I’ll remember how to find them, even though they are archived on the blog (or keep myself from marking up the image with digital red marks)! 😊

Dust Control idea with sideboard

Nevertheless, the one above might be useful IF I make the edge guide a little taller when using my new-ish Table Saw Jointer Jig. It tends to be excessively dusty when I’m making long cuts on the Oostra Oak

The next two ideas I’d like to try. I have a couple MicroJig dovetail clamps and adding a small clip as a third-hand would be helpful. The other isn’t something I need at the moment, but using coffee grounds mixed with CA glue to fill knots is interesting.

Clamp Coffee Grounds and CA Glue

Tech Friday: Low-cost iPhone Magsafe car mounts – non-charging

Posted By on October 11, 2024

So far I can endorse a couple of inexpensive “non-charging” Magsafe “magnetic” car mounts for our two iPhones (iPhone 14 and iPhone 16 Pro Max). Both were purchased together on Amazon with a minor discount for 2 items together … and for the low-price, I expected to be disappointed. Nope, I was not.

Amazon Order Magsafe mounts

Acura RDX Mount with iPhone 16 Pro MaxThe magnets are super strong and easily hold our phones with an Apple branded silicone case (others might be different). I would have preferred to have them also charge while driving, but that is not as critical these days.

Acura Vent Mount

BMW X5 35d Mount with iPhone 16 Pro MaxHere are a couple photos mounted in our older vehicles: A 2010 Acura RDX above (vent mounted) and my 2010 BMW X5 35d below (CD mount as my previous homemade version).

Magsafe CD Mount in BMW X5

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog