Kids will be kids … we’re talking goats #video

| April 30, 2023

Some animals “kids” are just like human kids. Who doesn’t see the similarity between goat kids and human kids when it comes to playground excitement.

Books: “MegaThreats: Ten Dangerous Trends That Imperil Our Future, And How to Survive Them” by Nouriel Roubini

| April 29, 2023

This past month while semi-vacationing in Florida (condo window installation), I started reading an excellent new book by well-known economist Nouriel Roubini called “MegaThreats: Ten Dangerous Trends That Imperil Our Future, And How to Survive Them” (October 18, 2022). The book follows a trend for me and what I’ve been reading when it comes to […]

Google advertising and Gmail, if you believe it (+AI voice)

| April 28, 2023

Do you trust that Google isn’t using your emails to push advertising to you? Personally I’m thinking this might be a “sleight of hand” considering the cookies and the fact you are signed into your Google account and search are used in advertising. Perhaps they aren’t using the content of Gmail to generate advertising, but […]

KDAE were hiking in the Smokies as we returned from Florida

| April 27, 2023

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Leftover Florida rain, condo window & banana trees photos

| April 26, 2023

It was impressive to watch weather moving across the ocean and while wrapping up our “new condo windows” trip, we saw a bit of impressive rain and “interesting” spring weather in Florida. The photo above captured nature’s impressive power and the 40 knots winds if caught out in this squall on a small boat would […]

A bit of news people news: Tucker Carlson is no longer at FoxNews

| April 25, 2023

Although it is not unusual for news organizations to let very popular news opinion personality go … with FoxNews I can recall Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly … most regular viewers were probably shocked to see Tucker Carlson let go on Monday (April 24, 2023). It was interesting to hear Glenn Beck comment on it […]

An innovative mechanical fly trap. Ingenious!

| April 24, 2023

Saved this video the other day as thought it was a pretty ingenious fly trap. Now does it really work to rid a home of flies … who really knows?

Mellow Music for Sunday: “Duke’s On Sunday” – Jimmy Buffett

| April 23, 2023

As I often do in the evening, I was listening music on headphones while reading last night. Jimmy Buffett was singing “Duke’s On Sunday” on SiriusXM’s Radio Margaritaville … and it soothed my soul; I think I could listen to it on repeat over and over.  So instead of waiting until Music Monday, I’ll tag […]

Archive: Catch-up photos from April 2023 trip to Florida

| April 23, 2023

A trip to Florida would not be compete without at least one timeline marking photo of us … so this catch-up post with a few leftover photos from our “condo window installation” trip will start with a Brenda and Rich beach photo.  Between a few rain and heavy wind days, we had some sunny and […]

Archive: The new condo windows have finally been installed

| April 22, 2023

We have had our share of rain in Florida this April while in Delray Beach, but have finally finished the upgrade of new windows in the condo. I should have done it back in 2018 as I would have save a few thousand dollars, but as the saying goes … “better late than never” (they […]

Tech Friday: The Apple Lisa computer is over 40 years old

| April 21, 2023

Although my first computer was a Compaq Portable (I still have it and I think it still boots up) … my second computer was a Macintosh SE with a giant 20MB HD … the more successful and lower price version of the Lisa. Did you know that the Apple Lisa turned 40 this year? How […]

Filler Post: How fast is fast when it comes to #aviation

| April 20, 2023

When it comes to fast aircraft, the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird is the one most of us know about. In a social media Twitter mention last week, Massimo posted this photo and link. The SR-71 Blackbird was so fast that, if attacked by surface-to-air missiles, it simply flew higher, faster, and in a slightly different direction […]

How many different electrical outlets to we need?

| April 19, 2023

On Twitter this past week, Elon Musk retweeted an image of a bunch of different outlets around the world. Wow, do we really need that many different electrical outlets and plugs?

With ridiculously old IT, where is the IRS spending most of their new $80 BILLION dollar taxpayer funded windfall?

| April 18, 2023

Yup … ENFORCEMENT. … hundreds of IRS applications have been around for at least 25 years and dozens that have been in existence for more than 50. There were also pieces of software running 15 updates behind the current version. Fifteen! That’s like using a new iPhone with the iOS from the original iPhone …  […]

Music Monday: Never knew I enjoyed Taylor Swift music

| April 17, 2023

Who knew that I was becoming a Taylor Swift music fan (I may have to listen a little more)? Well at least after hearing a couple of her songs played on “KC‘s No Shoes” SiriusXM channel, I’m starting to enjoy and perhaps now know what I’ve been missing. So for today’s Music Monday, here’s “Breathe“ […]

Katelyn and Drew celebrated their 10th Anniversary in Miami, FL

| April 16, 2023

Has it really been TEN years? My daughter Katelyn and her husband Drew (now a family of FOUR), have been married for 10 years! Wow!!! They are celebrating their anniversary by taking a quick getaway trip to Miami, Florida. Congratulations to the both of them … and may they have many more years of health […]

Just another study on life expectancy and drinking alcohol

| April 15, 2023

For years now I have thought there was something to the Mediterranean diet and in drinking red wine with a meal. I’ve tried to put at least the “red wine” part of this into my regular diet and continue to read articles and studies that promote the positives of antioxidants for the heart — grape […]

Giving USMobile free SIM card a try on my iPhone 7 Plus

| April 14, 2023

A speed test doesn’t really tell us everything (new USMobile wireless service above), but since I was frustrated with 0.34Mbps upload Xfinity WiFi upload speeds at the condo last weekend (Xfinity WiFi speediest below the break), it was a perfect time to take the risk to port my cellphone number from Mint Mobile to USMobile. There […]

NPR’s Twitter account gets an appropriate label

| April 13, 2023

There is part of me that can’t help but smile when seeing the new label that Elon Musk’s Twitter put on NPR’s feed. The left-leaning taxpayer-funded media title is partially accurate since tax dollars are used to support public radio and television. At this point with the variety of media news and programming available in […]

Federal Reserve hikes: “despite a .. recession later this year”

| April 12, 2023

Guess when this Fed news came out?  High inflation and tight labor markets led Federal Reserve officials to signal they could raise interest rates at their next meeting despite a higher likelihood the economy would enter a recession later this year. Fed officials considered skipping a rate increase at their meeting last month but concluded […]

Blog test: A claw to claw eagle dance in the sky #video

| April 12, 2023

Just a short video filler test from Twitter after receiving a message that MyDesultoryBlog was inaccessible (suspect it is because previous post was personal and only for registered readers?)

Archive: A few Easter weekend family photos and video

| April 11, 2023

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Music Monday: “While He Still Knows Who I Am” – more music from Kenny Chesney

| April 10, 2023

While feeling a bit melancholy last week while thinking about my late father and mother-in-law (no Alzheimer’s, but some dementia), I heard the song “While He Still Knows Who I Am” recorded by Kenny Chesney on his Welcome to the Fishbowl album in 2012.  It does trigger memories and getting things said while you can […]

“Where, O death, is your sting?” Happy Easter 2023!

| April 9, 2023

Easter is a time for celebration, a time to reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and a time to rejoice in His victory over death. It is the day that we Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ; His resurrection is the foundation of our faith. The crucifixion of Jesus was a sign […]

Food For Thought: A Life Expectancy in America Map

| April 8, 2023

I’m not really sure where the data for this map came from or if it is accurate (??) … but it is something to think about. 

Tech Friday: Bits and piece to the Wyze Cam 2

| April 7, 2023

Last year one of my earlier Wyze Cams failed to update and wasn’t connecting to our mesh wifi (continued to disconnect). Thankfully Wyze politely discounted a newer version to which I happily upgraded. The old one has been sitting on my workbench and before tossing it in the trash, decided to peek under the hood. I […]

Where do you live if you want $100,000 to go furthest?

| April 6, 2023

There is probably a new survey or report out every month or so comparing the cost of living in different areas of the country. I usually gloss over them for one reason or another. Some exclude income taxes, state and local taxes or hefty property taxes. Others ignore lower salaries and some just don’t factor in […]

Innovative although a little pricey: Toothpaste bits

| April 5, 2023

Have you ever wondered why we use paste and powder (old school) to brush out teeth? Probably not … since I never gave it much thought until seeing Bite Toothpaste Bits. Brilliant idea … although the price point is keeping me from giving them a try. It is great to see ingenutiy still works and […]

Archive: Family photos from weekend text messages

| April 4, 2023

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Music Monday: Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band

| April 3, 2023

Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band songs are definitely Music Monday headphone listening material. I sort forgot just how much I enjoyed Mr. Michigan’s “garage rock” … especially back in the day — aka: 1970s (watch this video for a little history).     Bob Seger – “Roll Me Away” | 1983 Here’s just one of his many […]

ART-ificial Intelligence generated images can be disturbing

| April 2, 2023

There is growing concern over AI from some of the brightest and best “human” minds in our society today. The more realistic the images (like “Puffy Pope”) and the more they fool even those seeing the AI advancements everyday, the more I’m concerned as well. Sure, artificial intelligence is speeding up our writing, generating canned […]

April 1st, but no fooling as roof shingles are damaged

| April 1, 2023

We have had several windstorms in recent days and weeks, but I didn’t notice the missing ridge cap shingles until last week (not noticeable in this photo). Shockingly it has been 8 years since we put on a new roof, but I was thankfully able to track down the company who installed it and they […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog