Enjoying “The Life of Riley” … as the old phrase goes

| February 5, 2025

While sitting down after our long beach walk with a warm breeze on a sunny day while in Delray Beach, Florida, I commented to Brenda that we were living “The Life of Riley.” I assumed she would be familiar with the reference and meaning that we were living a comfortable and carefree life. She surprised […]

Music Monday: Steely Dan and “Reelin’ In The Years” #video

| January 27, 2025

“Reelin’ In the Years,” a song by American rock band Steely Dan was written by Donald Fagen and Walter Becker. The song features Fagen on vocals and is an early example of their easily recognized sound. I found it interesting to read that Fagen thought it “dumb but effective,” and Becker said it was “no […]

Too much time reading Wall Street Journal articles in 2024?

| January 19, 2025

At least the Wall Street Journal’s year in review summary didn’t add up the total amount of time I likely wasted reading WSJ online … BUT obviously reading 507 articles in 2024 took a little bit of my time … and I definitely posted plenty of references on MDB. I’m not sure knowing which days […]

Tech Friday: Magfast moving to Power Pivot 2 phase

| January 17, 2025

The current handful of pre-order Magfast products that arrived last year … from an order years ago … are working just fine. In fact, I’ve enjoyed using them since the first thingCharger nearly a decade ago. In the course of 2016 thingCHARGER had a series of financial challenges and as a result ceased operations in […]

On a roll with tech gadget updates: New Peak Design iPhone case

| January 15, 2025

After updating on the Apple Watch Series 10 Complications yesterday, the new Peak Design iPhone case arrived in the mail. The Oostras gave me three items by PD for Christmas this year: iPhone case, three or so card wallet and a mini fold-up tripod. The case was the wrong size so Katelyn returned it and […]

Tech Friday: Is there a way to get SiriusXM on an Apple Watch?

| December 13, 2024

Although I don’t have an Apple Watch like Brenda, but I think one is coming my way for Christmas now that I have a modern iPhone (my Fitbit Versa 2 is “still ticking after taking a licking” — old Timex joke). One of the features or apps that does not exist, is an app for SiriusXM.I […]

Reading: Which do you prefer: Computer, iPad, Kindle or Paper?

| December 11, 2024

After typing the title and looking at my photo below from Sunday afternoon, I realized that listing “smartphone” should also be added to the title/subject list … since it more than likely is read from the most these days? I personally have always been a luddite and preferred paper as the medium of choice when […]

Archive: Merry Christmas 2024 and a Google “add me” photo test

| December 6, 2024

The annual Corbett Christmas Letter has been reduced to the ubiquitous Christmas card printed by one of the many card producers (below). This year’s card was ordered  before our Thanksgiving famly get-together and unique Google “Add Me” AI feature used in the photo above on Drew’s new Pixel 9. Very impressive — hey, Apple, get […]

A beautiful photo of my granddaughters and their neighborhood

| November 30, 2024

This content is restricted.

Tech Friday: Tinkering with Apple Intelligence summary feature

| November 8, 2024

Apple is finally rolling out the much ballyhooed Apple Intelligence on Apple devices … including my new iPhone 16 Pro Max. Their have been a few laughs from me when it comes to the AI “summary” feature generating a questionable summary (an automotive enthusiast John Rowe’s X.com comments – he does NOT recommend Sunbeam).  On […]

My Samsung i500 SPH as a WSJTech ThrowBack Thing? #TBT

| October 31, 2024

One of my regular Friday reads is the weekly technology update by Joanna Stern and her Wall Street Journal team called Tech Things. At the end of this weekly update, there is usually a “Throwback Thing.” I mentioned to them that my “still favorite” pocketable cellphone was the Samsung i500 SPH and that I posted […]

The iPhone16, US Mobile auto top-off and bigger photos and video

| October 26, 2024

One of the biggest changes and needs now that our family of iPhones takes larger photos and video … and are now 5G capable … is the need for more data. I’m no longer satisfied with our “pooled” 6GB USMobile plan. I sort of knew this would be a problem, but for most of the […]

We planted a couple trees 15 years ago. They have grown. #TBT

| October 17, 2024

It has been 15 years since we planted the Dawn Redwood tree in our backyard (tree to the right in above photo) and it is still growing strong. I’m starting to think we may have picked a spot a little to close to the pool, although it is still 40 feet away. A year later […]

Tech Friday: Low-cost iPhone Magsafe car mounts – non-charging

| October 11, 2024

So far I can endorse a couple of inexpensive “non-charging” Magsafe “magnetic” car mounts for our two iPhones (iPhone 14 and iPhone 16 Pro Max). Both were purchased together on Amazon with a minor discount for 2 items together … and for the low-price, I expected to be disappointed. Nope, I was not. The magnets […]

Liking the iPhone 16 Pro Max and remembering an old favorite

| October 10, 2024

All of the smartphones I’ve owned since the 2000s have held a soft spot in my heart and the same could be said after seeing a Palm Treo photo in a “Year(s) Ago On This Day” link this week. It sort of makes for a worthwhile Throwback Thursday #TBT kind of subject … along with […]

Starting to learn more about the iPhone 16 Pro Max camera

| October 9, 2024

It has been quite the improvement when it comes to the camera, especially in switching from the iPhone 7 Plus (a great smartphone) to the new iPhone 16 Pro Max. I’ve really yet to learn how to best use the new features, but “out of the box” it just takes excellent photos (that link means […]

Tech Friday: RCS messaging between Android and iOS devices

| October 4, 2024

There is little doubt our family and friends aren’t the only ones who struggle with differences of opinions … be they political or technology related. In today’s case it’s not politics,  Microsoft Windows vs Apple MacOS or Linux … but Google’s Android text messaging vs Apple’s iOS and their proprietary encrypted “Messages” app. Thankfully Apple […]

Tech Friday: Magsafe (MagFast) charging and battery health

| September 27, 2024

Since the iPhone 16 Pro Max is the first Apple phone that I’ve had with induction charging capability, I’ve been curious how to best manage the longevity of the new battery. I’ve generally plugged my iPhones in to charge once a day (overnight) for the last decade or so BUT did use the induction puck […]

Setting up an iPhone 16 Pro Max this weekend will be challenging

| September 21, 2024

The new iPhone 16 Pro Max has arrived and the set-up process begins. Sorry for the distraction; I’m probably going to be “trying” to get the new phone up and running this weekend. 😊  EDIT Add 9/21/2024:

Some history while waiting for the iPhone 16 Pro Max #TBT

| September 19, 2024

Posted something similar last year with a better image in the Disqus comment 😊 For many Apple iPhone 16 pre-order folks, this image is an eye-opening reminder of all the versions of the iPhone that Apple as made since Steve Jobs introduced it in 2007. I was a Palm OS user back then and was […]

An anxious Tech on Tuesday iPhone Pro 16 Max update

| September 17, 2024

Most “guys” I know can get pretty anxious when waiting for a pre-ordered tech gadget to arrive (or perhaps even a new tool).  I ordered a new iPhone Pro 16 Max last Friday, which was the first day it was available to order … and besides wondering about having buyers remorse, I am anxious for […]

Tech Friday: Planning to pre-ordered iPhone 16 Pro today

| September 13, 2024

Although I haven’t quite decided as to what Apple iPhone 16 Pro to pre-order, it will likely be a big jump from the current “borrowed” iPhone XS that I’ve been using since drowning my iPhone 7 Plus. It has been fine, but it is time to move past the smartphones of 2017 and 2018. 😊  […]

Tech Friday:Rumors of foldable Apple iPhone inch closer

| July 26, 2024

Although waiting until 2026 is a long time down the road, I’m still interested in a foldable iPhone. Every few month another rumor hints that Apple is working on an iPhone that will fold. Personally I’m hopefully that it will be a “flip” model as in recent articles, perhaps similar to Motorola’s Razr+ (left) or […]

Hot days, rain, storm clean up and returned my iPhone 15 Pro

| July 19, 2024

I don’t think I’ve ever recalled a hot summer in July or August that I’ve needed to “remove” water from the pool? I did so with a spare pump leftover from my biodiesel days and a sprinkler. 😊 This year, we’ve had the somewhat normal hot and dry weather … followed by thunderstorms, tornado warning […]

My first impression wth the iPhone 15 Pro and a Classic Rewind

| July 15, 2024

It may not be the latest and greatest new iPhone (just like Classic Rewind music), but due to leaving my old iPhone 7 Plus in my pocket while going into the pool, I was forced to make a quick decision … even though my buddy Jeff loaned me his iPhone XS for a few days […]

Tech Friday: OS woes and a Mars Edit software update

| July 12, 2024

Although the Late 2012 Intel-based iMac is “aging better than President Biden,”  my desktop iMac is struggling and is no longer being used as my primary computer. Still … it does work as a larger twin 27” screens desktop computer along side my MacBook Air M2 these days. Recently I cross my fingers when updating […]

Music Monday: Replaying the song “Kodachrome” by Paul Simon and the drowning of my Apple iPhone 7 Plus

| July 8, 2024

Today’s Music Monday is a redux of a previous post regarding the popular 1973 song “Kodachrome” by Paul Simon song (of Simon and Garfunkel and solo fame). The song came up in a conversation on Sunday afternoon with Megan and Taylor as they were showing a “slides” wall display of hundreds of old transparencies all mounted […]

Voicemail, Caller ID, the campaign season and local area codes

| June 22, 2024

As the election season nears, the calls and text messages to my cellphone ramp up in earnest. My voicemail message for the past couple of years has been one that indicates that I no longer pickup calls from unknown callers — I don’t mind callers leaving me a message, but have grown tired of solicitations, […]

Tech Friday: Just thinking about upgrades that are in my future

| May 24, 2024

Although it is not an immediate need, the “want” in me is growing. My 2017 iPhone 7 plus is really starting to feel old; even my daughter mentioned that my shared photos were not the quality that they should be — she has a fair point. Phone cameras aside, the device I use the most […]

Archive: The Northern Lights were to beautiful not to include

| May 11, 2024

On Friday May 10, 2024, I started noticing the beautiful northern lights (aurora borealis) photos showing up on my X.com social media feed. They were so impressive that I told Brenda that we would need to go outside in the evening. While glancing at my skywatching info, I also notice that the International Space Station […]

Tech Friday: Porting phone numbers has me holding my breath

| May 10, 2024

Sometimes I know that I’m just tempting fate … like when it comes to switching mobile phone carriers … in my case, MVNO companies.  Last year, I switch my aging iPhone 7 plus over to USMobile on a trial. I ended up finding it preferred to Mint Mobile (T-Mobile) and found the service to be […]

A trip to Florida has me pondering the future of my iPhone7+

| April 30, 2024

While uploading a late April 2024 peaceful looking Delray Beach scene from my “aging” iPhone 7 Plus, the distorted panorama photo has me wondering just when it will be time to upgrade? Since my 7 year old smartphone will no longer update a few of the apps due to an old iOS … I do […]

A Bald Eagle photo in Whitehouse, Ohio … and another 100,000 miles odometer photo from my daughter #TBT

| April 4, 2024

Katelyn’s 100K text message (above left) from her 2018 Volkswagen Tiguan reminded me of the one she sent 17 years ago (above right) … back when she was driving her 2001 Volkswagen Jetta TDI. Where have all the years and miles gone (hence #TBT)? I’m so glad we have the technology to sporadically send messages […]

Tech Friday: Knowing where your iPhone, or perhaps YOU are?

| March 15, 2024

As someone who has grown up with the “beware of Big Brother” mindset, the thought that even with an Apple iPhone turned off, those with access can still know your location is a bit spooky. Oh, to be sure, 99% of being able to find an iPhone that is powered down or without enough battery […]

Tech Friday: Are we getting closer to a foldable Apple iPhone?

| February 9, 2024

As an Apple advocate and device user from the 1980s and someone who as been begging for a foldable iPhone flip phone (or even slider) since using and retiring a foldable Samsung SPH i500  PalmOS device years ago, “I can’t wait”… as I mentioned to tech influencer Evan Kirsten.  We seem to be getting closer, […]

Tech Friday: It is shocking how iPhone cameras have improved!

| January 19, 2024

When it comes to taking phones on a cellphones (especailly low light) … the cameras on all smartphones have definitely improved over the past decade. I’ll let you guess which photo above was my iPhone 7 Plus and which one was Brenda’s iPhone 14? 

Tech Friday: Replaced the battery in my iPhone 7 plus

| December 22, 2023

A couple weeks ago I mentioned ordering a $20 battery on Amazon for my iPhone 7 Plus. I probably really should be in the market to replace this phone, but even though the iOS can’t be upgraded, it still functions pretty well. The camera on ALL phones has been improved, but at $1000+ dollars, I’m […]

Tech Friday: Rumors of vertical iPhone16 camera layout

| December 15, 2023

Just a little light “rumor reading” to close out the year when it comes to future Apple iPhones. Not that it makes any difference to most users, but it is possible the “side by side” camera lens (see below photo with my iPhone 7 Plus) could go vertical again (iPhone X thru 12)? Recent ones […]

Tech Friday: Apple news for 2024 and an iPhone 7 plus battery

| December 8, 2023

While doing a little tech reading this week, it doesn’t look as if Apple is planning more than incremental updates for the MacBooks and iPads for spring … although they do like to surprise us?  Apple plans to refresh the MacBook Air around March 2024, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman said today in a report on Apple’s […]

Struggling with my aging iPhone 7 plus battery health

| November 22, 2023

To Repair or to Replace? That is the question. (a butchered William Shakespeare) I’m struggling to make it through the day with my aging iPhone 7 plus. Besides the failing battery, the smartphone still satisfies my needs so I’m not jumping up and down to replace the phone … besides the new iPhone 15’s are […]

X.com API test: Still would like an iPhone flipphone

| November 17, 2023

Really just testing a new X.com (Twitter) setup after the MyDesultoryBlog account stopped updating several months ago. An API change has made it more difficult for automated accounts to send out tweets. Adding a photo to keep Apple aware that I still would really like an iPhone Flip! 😉 

Tech Friday: Inching closer to the paid version of ProtonMail

| October 13, 2023

We live in a world where personal privacy has all but disappeared when it comes to our lives. We are surveilled everywhere and by practically every device. Our connected gadgets collect and send data on our every movement … and increasingly “inner” goings-on (smart devices monitoring our health). New cars are pumping data to the […]

Tech Friday: Apple’s yawn-worthy 2023 Wonderlust event

| September 15, 2023

Perhaps it is just me paying attention to the rumors and knowing the announcements that were planned at Apple’s annual September “new iPhones” announcement event … but the iPhone15s (and Apple Watch 9) upgrades left very little to get excited about? I’m not saying that I won’t be upgrading my aging iPhone 7plus this year, […]

Tech Friday: An update on my USMobile Wireless trial

| July 21, 2023

For those keeping score as to just how frugal Rich can descend when chasing after a wireless plan … “better” (cheaper) than Mint Mobile … “he” may have gone “a bridge too far” in the latest USMobile wireless plan decision (I know, another idiom and a 3rd person reference, but don’t get me started on the whole […]

Filler: Be careful what you “thumbs-up” via text message!

| July 19, 2023

Especially in Canada—> LINK

Reminiscing about a couple of my favorite iPhones #TBT

| July 6, 2023

While finding links for a blog post last week, I stumbled across a couple photos of my iPhone5 while upgrading to my current, but aging, iPhone7plus. Although the bulky protective case on the iPhone7+ did not last long, it was interesting to remember it. I quickly switched to the thinnest case I could find and […]

The Legendary Palm Treo 700p #TBT

| June 29, 2023

While updating a few blog titles that had mis-coded characters on My Desultory Blog, my eye was drawn to an old favorite smartphone post from 2006 — the Palm Treo 700p. See 2006 CAK photo post   The photos started me thinking about this making an interesting artificial intelligence assisted ChatGPT Throwback Thursday #TBT post? The […]

Once upon a time, the Palm Pre was a great pocket phone #TBT

| June 15, 2023

Back in 2009, after years of using Palm OS products like the Palm Pilot, the Handspring Visor, Palm Treo, Palm Centro and my favorite Samsung SPH i500, I eventually ended up with a small pocketable, full-featured smartphone — the Palm Pre. Who knew that only a year later that I would be forced to give […]

Tech Friday: How long before Apple makes an iPhone Flip?

| June 9, 2023

How long must I wait and watch in irritation as other manufacturers beside Apple or iOS “cloners” roll out “flip phone” (or even a slider) that at least from a first glance look like exactly what I personally am looking for in a future iPhone?  The form and function are exactly what at least some […]

Tech Friday: Testing Magfast Extreme charging an Apple iPad

| May 26, 2023

This test is more for my own curiosity than any kind of controlled tech test, but since I’m often away from convenient 110VAC charging plugs, I would like to be able to recharge iPads and iPhones on the go. A few years back, I preordered a package of products from a startup company called Magfast […]

Poor business decisions and billing screw-ups at Mint Mobile

| May 17, 2023

We have been happy with Mint Mobile for a couple of years as our MVNO wireless carrier. The service has been good service … prices fair … and it has been perfect for our needs.  In April though, I switched my iPhone7-plus to US Mobile for a trial due to less than optimum coverage at […]

Minor issues upgrading Brenda’s iPhone7 to an iPhone14

| May 16, 2023

Something unanticipated happened last weekend when secretly trying to prepare a new iPhone14 to give to Brenda for Mother’s Day … it was likely the busiest time for wireless cellphone towers … especially if on Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO).  In other words, the day I gave Brenda the new phone to play with was […]

Tech Friday: How about a new iPhone14 for Mother’s Day?

| May 5, 2023

Last month I switched my LTE iPhone 7-plus to USMobile, a budget-friendly wireless carrier, and have been satisfied with the trial. Since I will likely stay with the service after making the cumbersome switch from Mint Mobile, I started to think about switching Brenda’s iPhone7 — ugh! So after a little discussion with her about […]

Giving USMobile free SIM card a try on my iPhone 7 Plus

| April 14, 2023

A speed test doesn’t really tell us everything (new USMobile wireless service above), but since I was frustrated with 0.34Mbps upload Xfinity WiFi upload speeds at the condo last weekend (Xfinity WiFi speediest below the break), it was a perfect time to take the risk to port my cellphone number from Mint Mobile to USMobile. There […]

Tech Friday: Reading rumors regarding the iPhone 15 and Pro

| February 17, 2023

Since a new iPhone will eventually be in my future, I’m paying a little more attention to the rumors around what is changing. The most obvious seems to be the USB-C port, but according to 9to5mac photos and renderings, the iPhone15Pro could see some bezel changes too. With the iPhone 15 lineup, a USB-C port […]

The 3 monkeys have added a 4th. A sign of our times #filler

| January 12, 2023

Viral Social Media image

Tech Friday: A better way to filter and clean up iOS messages

| December 30, 2022

Prior to 2022, I managed phone numbers and contacts on my iPhone poorly – perhaps “the wrong way.” Every year I created a new A/SPAM list of callers and emailers and self-managed these lists. Of course this didn’t stop callers or text messages from new unknown phone numbers. So I tried a couple of different […]

Tech Friday: The home Internet seems to be sluggish lately?

| September 30, 2022

Our Cincinnati Bell Fioptics Internet service has been acquired by Altafiber. I’m not sure there has been much more than a logo change in service “so far,” but whenever our cable TV isn’t quite right or the Internet acts up, the blame is now on AltaFiber. Speed has been a problem this week and “might” […]

Tech Friday: A Versa 2 smartwatch and setting up Fitbit Pay

| September 23, 2022

It has taken me a while, but after updating my Fitbit Versa smartwatch a couple weeks ago, I couldn’t be happier with the “at the time” difficult decision. Once before, my original was replaced under warranty (free) but with the same Versa (1) smartwatch which really did serve me well. Lesson: Watches and gadgets do not […]

Apple Event introduces products including iPhone14 Pro

| September 7, 2022

Considering our current iPhones are seven generations behind (iPhone 7), today’s Apple Event was watched with interest, as usual. The new iPhone14 Pro is particularly interesting and carries a higher price point … although well worth the money considering what I once spent on new computers. Still, the pre-order date of 9/9/2022 will not likely […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog