RichC | September 22, 2017
The Ken Burns and Lynn Novick 10 part documentary THE VIETNAM WAR airing each night this past week on PBS has been eye opening even for someone who "thought" they knew their Vietnam history. I’ve read a lot of books over the years and lived through most of the war stateside in real time (to […]
Category: Education, History |
Tags: documentary, History, ken burns, pbs, series, television, vietnam, war
RichC | September 22, 2017
There is something about this classic muscle car photo that spoke to me. Maybe it the tone or just the classic American steel? At any rate, I’ll use it as the first “Foto Friday” post and see who else see this as art? Probably the only thing better would have been to include a GM […]
Category: Automotive, Photos |
Tags: cars, classic, collector, fotofriday, muscle, photo, restoratoin