Wishing your family a “possibly snowy” Merry Christmas 2024

| December 25, 2024

Wishing all who stumble on these pages (or choose to click on MyDesultoryBlog) a Very Merry Christmas, safe travels and a warm and wonderful celebration of Christ’s birth. May you and yours enjoy time together with family and friends.  Weather? Check to see if the Old Farmer’s Almanac is correct this year (below).

Is it going to be a wet or dry winter?

| October 22, 2022

The answer from NOAA is that it depends on where you live. The general prediction is for a bit dryer in the south and a bit wetter in the northwestern US and Great Lakes .. but perhaps we should check with the authority? 🙂

Reading: Long-range winter weather predictions since 1792

| August 21, 2022

While I generally do not plug things on My Desultory Blog, I do enjoy reading the paper edition of a couple of publications. Barron’s Magazine is my go-to weekend reading, but their shrinking size and poor delivery has me giving up on renewing again. If they would promise Saturday delivery again, perhaps with the WSJ, […]

Welcome to autumn 2021 and prepare for a long, cold winter

| September 22, 2021

As we shift from summer to autumn, those of us living north of the Mason-Dixon line have to prepare and wonder just what is in store when it comes to winter weather? Although I’m not a big follower of the Farmer’s Almanac, I recognized that they have an 80% record over 230 years in predicting […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog