There are Rockford fans and then there are super Rockford fans

| January 1, 2025

Television has made a lot of people famous, but only a handful of cars have tagged along with a show’s protagonist to lasting fame. One such example is the pairing that rose to a lasting stardom is the 1977 Pontiac Firebird Formula and James Garner as the stars of The Rockford Files. While Garner passed […]

Another great Jay Leno’s Garage video – a 1974 Porsche 914-6 GT

| November 29, 2017

One of the best YouTube channels for car lovers is Jay Leno’s Garage. He always has something interesting and the older I get the more I appreciate his highlighting cars I remembered and envied. The 1974 Porsche 914 (or previous up to 1972 version 914-6 GT) was my ideal teenage car as it was still […]

Even Brad Paisley owned a 1984 Chevrolet Cavalier

| November 27, 2016

Jay Leno’s Garage on CNBC is one of the automotive programs I record and one my dad would have enjoyed watching with me … too bad it is just a couple years late. Anyway, last week he had musicians who love cars on the program and country music star Brad Paisley shared his first car […]

Legend Bob Riggles rolls his car with Jay Leno inside

| June 27, 2016

Whew … luckily no injuries.

Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon know how to deliver monologues

| February 18, 2016

Great monologue on the Tonight Show … Jay Leno tag teams with Jimmy Fallon.

Video: Jay Leno talks about the B-17

| May 4, 2013

Jay Leno does a great job shooting automotive videos in between his real job duties (aka: The Tonight Show) and occasionally detours into subjects that interest many of us. His recognition for aviation history and those who fought for our country is appreciated … as is talking about the amazing  B-17. Nice job. On a side note, I would love […]

Ever heard of an air-cooled diesel Lamborghini tractor?

| December 27, 2012

Here’s a great bit of Lamborghini history shared by Jay Leno in his garage – a 1968-69 four-cylinder 5-Liter air-cooled 85HP diesel tractor … the Lamborghini R485. (history)

Biodiesel powered EcoJet screams … literally

| September 28, 2009

You just gotta love a biodiesel powered car like Jay Leno’s “more money than brains ” (his words) EcoJet (previous post).  I’ll be anxious to get the full performance reports (with economy figures) and look forward to solutions to keep the EcoJet quiet — here’s a thought?

Fred Thompson announces intent with Jay Leno

| September 6, 2007

It is probably not a surprise to anyone, but Fred Thompson has finally announced that he intends to enter as a Republican candidate for President of the United States in 2008. He has had a bit of time to develop an excellent website (Friends of Fred Thompson) and has included his thoughts in a long-ish […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog