RichC | June 20, 2020
A couple weeks ago I shared an old automotive link from on Twitter and one of my automotive buddies sent me a private message asking about the name of my blog (now nearly 7000 posts). The conversation had me contemplate the early decisions and thoughts .. or lack of thought .. when all of […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, Business, History, Memories, Personal, Technology |
Tags: aol, apple, blog,, desultory, domains,, netscape, printing, publishing, richc, superdrive, syquest, wayback machine, wordpress, zip
RichC | March 15, 2019
I enjoy receiving the occasional email on words from Science Diction (Science Friday folks) and this one from the word emoji was a good one. READ the full history here … or on the archived WaybackMachine LINK
Category: Computer, History, Human Interest, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: emoji, etymology, friday, history science, tech friday, techfriday, wayback machine, words