RichC | October 14, 2024
A quick song for Music Monday that is fitting for today. “On The Road Again” is from Willie Nelson in his prime … and one that everybody knows, probably by heart. If you don’t know the song or the artist, you haven’t lived long enough.
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: 1979, music monday, musicmonday, on the road again, willie nelson, youtube
RichC | April 20, 2009
[flv:FN_WillieNelsonHuckabee090419.flv 480 325] Willie Nelson talks a bit about his advocacy for biodiesel on the FoxNews program Huckabee this past weekend. (Huckabee airs at 8PM on Saturday evenings and is rebroadcast at 11PM and Sunday evening)
Category: Biodiesel, Video-TV |
Tags: biodiesel, foxnews, huckabee, willie nelson