Editorial: “Akers’ story shows true America”

Posted By on August 5, 2008

extreme makeover home editionAlthough I don’t watch reality TV programming including “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” or even read our local papers’ opinion letters, my daughter thought enough of the letter to the editor below to mention it to me. I’m unsure if it was the political content or the fact that her roommate is from Poland, but it did stimulate a little breakfast table discussion. It is nice to know that a few of the positive aspects of my political views are appreciated by my children.

The letter to the editor was well written and poinent as we approach another election. It is an excellent reminder and warning for Americans who may have forgotten “what America is all about.” I’ll be remembering Danuta Connell’s comments, “de-motivating and harmful effects,” when I enter the voting booth this November.

Akers’ story shows true America

Recently, my 67-year-old mother from Poland visited Cincinnati. During her two-month stay, my husband and I were able to show her many, many places, and introduced her to the best Cincinnati and America have to offer. The highlight of her stay was the privilege to witness the “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” experience in West Chester Twp. As much as she admired it, the entire concept was very difficult for her to understand. People just do not do things like that in her native country. She also saw online the makeover story of the Hughes family from Lexington, Ky., and was moved to tears. She left the country one day before the Akers family returned from their well-deserved vacation, but she made me promise her an update upon her return to Poland.

This being an election year, I would like to remind us that the Akers’ story is what America is all about. We take care of each other and we do not need government to tell us what we need or what is good for us. We are best when we take care of each other.

I was naturalized an American citizen 25 years ago and could not be more proud of it. I grew up in Poland under the communist regime and have experienced first-hand the de-motivating and harmful effects of that system. I immigrated legally in 1982 in search of freedom, hope and opportunity, and found them in abundance. America is great because of its great people, privately owned businesses, creativity, compassion and, most importantly, freedom.

Danuta Connell
West Chester Twp.


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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