Leftover August 2024 images to clear out MyCubby folder

Posted By on August 31, 2024

The folder labelled “MyCubby” on my Microsoft OneDrive is a place I collect Humor Burr-Hamiltonimages, links, photos, etc that might be worth looking at again … or perhaps used on the blog.

Each month I try to start fresh with a relatively empty space … so to prepare for September 2024, I’ll archive a couple items on MyDesultoryBlog for posterity. 

First for a little American political humor with a couple of baseball players — Burr and Hamilton. Let’s hope they don’t end up like Aaron and Alexander did in 1804? 😊 

Below is a photo with an illustration pertaining to a nagging injury to my left foot or big toe. It has bothered me on and off for over a year and flares up when I put weight on my left toe or wear certain shoes.

Toe fracture Toe Fracture

And then there is a “climate change” chart that I included in a post on X.com which sort of illustrates to me that perhaps we don’t observe change with a wide enough lens … a better perspective of “time” might be something worth considering???

Ice Ages

Then there’s cute map of Chile … with a pepper perfectly aligned. And a photo of my dad’s Packard Hawk fin for a few car guys on social media.  

Map of Chile BMW X5 35d and Packard Hawk fin

Then finally below a few Legendary Movie Cars (that in my opinion left out some good ones).

Legendary Movie Cars



Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog