Enjoying life and leftover President’s Day weekend family photos

Posted By on February 19, 2025

Friendly dog follow his owner on the beachMy reading from a week ago has stalledand I have no idea why?Area 51” by Annie Jacobsen is an interesting book, and beside walking, Thinking emojineither Brenda or I are doing much more than pretending we are on a long vacation.  

One of our pleasures is seeing the same people each morning while we walk 7+ miles on the beach. Some days we talk a few minutes, other days it is just a friendly wave. Walking Sabal PineOne of our favorites is an elderly man followed by his very cute dog … always by a considerable distance behind. We pass him and try to make friends with him, but. suspect he sees us a “stranger danger” and looks the other way. Lately though, he walks along with us in order to catch up to his owner. Even Brenda (not a dog lover) enjoys seeing this little guy and talks to him.  

Although we’ve been down to our Delray Beach condo semi-regularly now that we no longer have a winter tenant, we’ve never taken the time to do a meet and greet or stop in at the clubhouse. About the only time we have been there as been when out kids are down and want to go in the pool. So this year we chose to go to the “new owners” meeting and say hello. I can’t say we clicked with anyone, but we were at least friendly.

Canal View   

Good Energy - BookChickfilaWe’ve been trying to eat less and are purposefully do not go out to eat or are fix bigger meals. Brenda is busy reading the book I gave her for Christmas called “Good Energy” by Casey Means … but it is not for the faint of heart when it comes to “enjoying meals.” I sneer at my buddy Jeff’s attempts to eat healthier, but this book takes that to an entirely new level. We’re not ready to give up tasty foods … including our once-a-week trip to Chick-fil-a. I’m including the receipt because they are just so wonderfully friendly — how can you not appreciate such great service

An angry Lake Michigan and the Oostras

While we were busy enjoying our time away from the winter weather, our family has been enjoying snow and the winter cold. Taylor and Megan recently were in western New York skiing at Holiday Valley and the Oostra family up to Michigan for a Valentine’s Day and President’s Day weekend that included snow tubing with the girls. Personally I’m thankful to be where it is warm in southern Florida — but it makes me think about my dream of the extended crusing and sailing life again. 😉 

Snow Tubing


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog