Watched the SS United States being towed to the Gulf of America

Posted By on March 2, 2025

Towing SS United States

The nearly 75 year old ocean liner, the SS United States, was towed southbound in the Atlantic Ocean on February 26, 2025 and headed towards its finally Logoresting place in the Gulf of America (previously Gulf of Mexico) somewhere off the coast near Destin, Florida to become an artificial reef.

The 1951 (christened), 990 ft, 45,400 Ton displacement  pride of the United States ship that still holds the record for “highest average speed in crossing the Atlantic Ocean” (see Blue Riband) back when steam powered ocean liners ruled the sea. It spent nearly 20 years transporting the fortunately travelers to and from Europe from its maiden voyage for the United States Lines until SS United States1969 when traveling by jet airliners made more sense. 

After seeing the unusual twin funnels go by on our morning walk, Brenda and I fondly recalled our honeymoon cruise … and many family cruises … wondering what it would have been like to sail aboard one of the purpose-built ocean liners back in the day (the only one still in service is the RMS Queen Mary 2).

I can recalled back in my childhood our family “touring” the RMS Queen Elizabeth and my great Aunt and Uncle Grathwol’s stories of traveling across the Atlantic Ocean on the Queen Mary. Thinking back, Brenda and I should have cruised on the SS Norway (was SS France) for our honeymoon (but really have no regrets a more modern cruise ship — the MS Starward was modern for the 1980s, but primitive compared to today massive, but “ugly” cruise ships). 😉 


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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