Living in the Age of Airplanes movie release date April 10,2015

| December 27, 2014

From the trailer (below) and the previous Brian J. Terwilliger films, the new documentary movie Living in the Age of Airplanes should be another beautiful film. Tewilliger produced independent films One Six Right (One Six Left and Flying Full Circle), but the rights to his new film will have the National Geographic Studios brand to […]

The one word is now three words: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

| December 22, 2011

Once upon a time, the word “Plasitcs” was uttered by Mr. McGuire as “enough said” advice for The Graduate in 1967 … nowadays I think we need to start thinking three words or perhaps just the acronym … UAV?   The Graduate (mp3) … one word for you, plastics All I can say is find […]

Video: Jetman flies his wing over the Grand Canyon

| September 22, 2011

I have posted some of Yves Rolly’s video in the past on my blog and thought I would archive his flight over the Grand Canyon from May 2011. A friend mine (a psychiatrist, by the way), email me the link saying that this clip reminded her of me. Hmm, I told her “when I strap […]

EAA news, but archiving for my own information

| October 9, 2009

From news — archiving so I can more easily share. Revised “51 Percent” Policy Good News for Builders, Kit Makers October 7, 2009 — For the past four years, EAA and the amateur-built aircraft community have been facing perhaps the most significant threat ever faced by the homebuilt movement. But today, we’re confident in […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog