RichC | November 29, 2016
It is a little disappointing to not get the number of hours out of LED bulbs as they advertise … something in the neighborhood of 50,000 hours. I’m not sure there is any warranty on Chinese Ebay bulbs, but I do know that I really liked these smaller "very low wattage" bulbs as outdoor end […]
Category: Energy, Misc, Shopping |
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Tags: bulbs, cfl, ebay, efficiency, electric, led, lightbulb, lights
RichC | February 27, 2011
Duke Energy, our electricity utility, was kind enough to ship me a nice size box of compact florescent lamps at no charge to replace our existing bulbs. I can’t say that I was surprised to see that they are made in China, but I sure would rather they be manufactured in the United States – […]
Category: Business, Environment, Financial, Politics |
Tags: cfl, china, electric, energy, utilities