RichC | March 5, 2023
It is one thing trying to evade the police by speeding, then running a red light and crashing into an unsuspecting driver … but to also hit a building and have it collapse is another? Yikes!
Category: Automotive, Social Media, Video |
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Tags: accident, building, collapse, crash, mp4
RichC | January 28, 2019
It seems there is no end to suffering in the rustbelt when it comes to legacy automotive companies like Packard. The deteriorating Detroit plant which has seen years of neglect saw one more nail pounded into its coffin … the crosswalk collapsed and was cleaned up in January 2019 (photos above). The iconic name and […]
Category: Automotive, History, Packard, Video |
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Tags: automotive, collapse, crosswalk, detroit, History, motor city, packard, skyway, video
RichC | January 20, 2015
The Twitter updates last night kept me up late than usual as I contemplated how this would impact traffic on I-75. The heavy construction north of Cincinnati has been challenging the last year or so and having the old Hopple Street overpass pancake collapse on the southbound heavily traveled interstate highway is going to be […]
Category: Local, News |
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Tags: bridge, cincinnati, collapse, construction, delays, i-75, interstate