RichC | August 30, 2010
As the tropical activity heats up in the Atlantic, I wanted to play a little more with raw data to see exactly what kind of projections are concluded. For those not in the bluewater sailing or weather watching world, the data is downloaded and run in GRIB file readers. I’m using UGRIB and imported the […]
Category: Weather |
Tags: atlantic, grib, hurricane, storms, tropical, weather
RichC | June 11, 2010
I’ve scanned the heavily reported news stories (over 3000 on Google) on Abby Sunderland this Friday morning after hearing she was safe inside her damage boat Wild Eyes and have concluded that the media does a pretty good job of reporting the sensational side of blue water sailing – and with a 16 year old […]
Category: Sailing |
1 Comment
Tags: circumnavigating, cruising, grib, weather