Paying to exercise a constitutionally protected right
Posted By RichC on February 22, 2017
Should municipalities and states charge citizens if they exercise a constitutionally protected right?
On the surface, most of us would say "no way" should a city or state charge US citizens to "vote," "worship" or to "speak freely" … but that’s what some politically left leaning cities and states do to those who own firearms. Hm, what part of "… the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" isn’t clear?
Imagine the outcry if cities required their citizens pay a fee in order to vote … let alone be required to pass a background check or "heaven forbid" prove who you
are with a government photo ID (voter ID laws – see map below).
The battle escalated again in the state of Connecticut this past week as they continue to deter gun ownership with slow registration and higher fees for gun owners … not to mention then making names and addresses public (previous outrage). One wonders if they honor the US Constitution or would have a problem if other states opted to charge a fee for the right to vote? Personally I’m surprised this issue does not receive a more vigorous challenge in federal courts … perhaps it will require "infringement" on a Progressive‘s constitutionally protected right?
Firearm related matters that are often regulated by state or local laws include the following:
- Some states and localities require that a person obtain a license or permit in order to purchase or possess firearms.
- Some states and localities require that individual firearms be registered with the police or with another law enforcement agency.
- All states allow some form of concealed carry, the carrying of a concealed firearm in public.
- Many states allow some form of open carry, the carrying of an unconcealed firearm in public on one’s person or in a vehicle.
- Some states have state preemption for some or all gun laws, which means that only the state can legally regulate firearms. In other states, local governments can pass their own gun laws more restrictive than those of the state.
- Some states and localities place additional restrictions on certain semi-automatic firearms that they have defined as assault weapons, or on magazines that can hold more than a certain number of rounds of ammunition.
- NFA weapons are weapons that are heavily restricted at a federal level by the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986. These include automatic firearms (such as machine guns), short-barreled shotguns, and short-barreled rifles. Some states and localities place additional restrictions on such weapons.
- Some states have enacted castle doctrine or stand-your-ground laws, which provide a legal basis for individuals to use deadly force in self-defense in certain situations, without a duty to flee or retreat if possible.
- In some states, peaceable journey laws give additional leeway for the possession of firearms by travelers who are passing through to another destination.
- Some states require a background check of the buyer when a firearm is sold by a private party. (Federal law requires background checks for sales by licensed gun dealers, and for any interstate sales.)
More at "Gun Laws in the United States by state"