RichC | June 11, 2014
Investors and pre-order buyers are still in the “wait” mode for the innovated water heater from Heatworks … but the CEO Jerry Callahan does a great job of keeping his Kickstarter investors informed. That said, I’m looking forward to installing the Model 1 later this summer and will be updating the blog on how it […]
Category: Energy, Innovation, Marketing, Sailing |
Tags: heater, heatworks, kickstarter, water
RichC | February 8, 2014
Monitoring Kickstarter projects is a great way to see just what entrepreneurs and inventors are coming up with … and to rejuvenate pride in American Exceptionalism. The other day I saw a guys talking about Mobile Personal Theatre headphones called Glyph on the business channel CNBC which was pretty neat. I’ve micro funded a few […]
Category: Energy, Innovation, Marketing, Sailing |
1 Comment
Tags: encore, heater, heatworks, kickstarter, sailboat, water