RichC | October 22, 2014
Youtube VIDEO was Removed It is probably in bad taste to be chuckling at anything related to Ebola … but neither my wife or I have been able to get the Imus show’s Comedian Rob Bartlett‘s ‘The Ebola Song’ (audio mp3) out of our heads. I’m hoping you’ll don’t have the same problem every time […]
Category: Audio, Health, Humor, Video |
Tags: comedy, ebola, imus, mp3, pigs feet dupree, song, youtube
RichC | October 5, 2013
Don Imus had an excellent interview with commentator and bestselling author Bill O’Reilly a few days ago and the exchange has me even more interested in reading O’Reilly’s Killing Jesus. The book is presented as a “history” rather than a religious book but as a Catholic, O’Reilly believes inspiration comes from the Holy Spirit and thinks he […]
Category: Books, History |
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Tags: Books, christianity, History, imus, jesus, oreilly