Downloaded a free audiobook by Alistair Begg on “Lasting Love: How To Avoid Marital Failure”

| October 13, 2024

The Christian mentoring organization Truth For Life, centered around the teachings of Pastor Alistair Begg has a new audio book on marriage call “Lasting Love” that I’ve recently downloaded. I can’t comment on it yet since I’ve not listen to it, but if it is anything like his other books, it should be helping in […]

May you have peace in your heart today. Reading Proverbs.

| August 25, 2024

May the peace and tranquility one derives from imagining escaping to a cabin of solitude overlooking a mountain lake, be the same as when reading Proverbs. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” — Proverbs […]

A great 100-years-ago story to start the 2024 Olympic games

| July 28, 2024

With the Summer Olympic games starting in Paris, France this July 2024, people around the world are glued to their televisions for 19 days as the top athletes from each country compete for Gold, Silver and Bronze medals … and as a chance to become Olympic champions. Katelyn shared a story written by Pastor Mark […]

Happy Easter 2024 – “He is risen. He is risen indeed.”

| March 31, 2024

Spring weather (video below the break out our back window below) and the celebration of Easter seemed to have appeared out of nowhere just as March 2024 ends. Thought: Today will likely be the last time many of us see Easter appear on March 31st (the next time Easter will be on March 31, it […]

Palm Sunday, a Marblehead Lighthouse filler photo and taxes

| March 24, 2024

Today, Sunday March 24, 2024 is Palm Sunday … the Sunday before Easter. For Christians around the world, it commemorates the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. On this day, a cheering crowd greeted Jesus along the road, spreading their garments and palm branches before Him. For us today, it is time to get our […]

Sunday Filler John 3:16 share while busy with our family

| February 18, 2024

The Israel-Hamas war has intrigued Bibical map reading

| November 19, 2023

Panoramic view of the Sea of Galilee in 2006 (click for larger) After a brief discussion and look at current and previous maps of Israel and the area Christians study (the Holy Land)  … prior to … and during the life of Jesus, I noticed that the Sea of Galilee as well as most landmarks […]

Enlightening Biblical thoughts for the times in which we live

| October 8, 2023

While doing a short devotional last week, few verses from chapter 4 of 2nd Timothy resinated with me. As with most Christians who spend time studying and reading the Bible, there are chapters and verses that often speak to us in the moment … or  perhaps it just “wakes us up?”   For those of […]

Books: Started my birthday book as a Sunday devotional read

| June 6, 2023

The above subject line of this post needs to be clarified a bit as I “only started” to read my birthday present book on Sunday … but it will be excellent. The new birthday gift book, “God’s Bible Timeline: The Big Book of Biblical History” from Katelyn, Drew and family should be an enjoyable one […]

“Where, O death, is your sting?” Happy Easter 2023!

| April 9, 2023

Easter is a time for celebration, a time to reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and a time to rejoice in His victory over death. It is the day that we Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ; His resurrection is the foundation of our faith. The crucifixion of Jesus was a sign […]

Truth For Life – Alistair Begg Sermon Series on Jude

| March 19, 2023

Although I always enjoy the Truth For Life website as a daily devotional, I am especially enjoying the archived sermon series on Jude by Alistair Begg. Since it is an ongoing series in 2023, I’m looking forward to the next message as the last three weeks have been so applicable to current events … and […]

Proposing our family listen to a podcast on Christmas Eve

| December 24, 2022

Jane Wells has been a reporter for CNBC (“Janie” as the late Mark Haines called her)  that I’ve followed for years while watching business news channels (or should I have said, “is a ‘has-been’ reporter?” – hopefully a little humor that she would appreciate!). Anyway, I always smiled when watching her “quirky” stories and reporting […]

Something to think about – Truth For Life

| May 16, 2022

See “Loving Community Part 3“ — Truth For Life

Thought: The debt of sin. Paid in full. Completely and forever.

| April 15, 2022

Pondering the suffering and sacrifice our Savior made for us nearly 2000 years ago – Good Friday 2022. “I am wholly deserving of all the consequences that I will in fact never receive simply because God unashamedly stepped in front of me on the cross, unflinchingly spread His arms so as to completely shield me […]

New Alistair Begg Devotional content is now on my blog

| January 16, 2022

It has been a little over a year since the syndicated Truth For Life page was added to my blog … and although I’ve not been “daily-diligent” in reading the Spurgeon Devotionals … I’m hoping having Alistair Begg’s devotionals in place of them might help? The new Truth For Life feed has recently been approved […]

But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father

| January 2, 2022

The lonely looking train left to rust somewhere in Russia had me pondering a Bible verse – Matthew 24:36 having to do with knowing not only how long “we personally” have on earth, but “not knowing” the end time for humanity. With that in mind, will you be “caught on the tracks” without accepting Christ […]

Books: “Brave By Faith” – The winds have changed and appears to be blowing hard behind the forces of secularism

| August 24, 2021

On Sunday night to escape from the distressing domestic politics of the day as well as the Afghanistan debacle … and partly wanting to get my mind on my faith and my attention on what I can control in life … I turned off the TV and put aside the pile of secular topical books […]

Books: Brave By Faith by Alistair Begg

| June 13, 2021

The current pile of books to read is too high for my nighttime side table;  I think I need to move a few to my office … or better yet, finish reading them! Since Alistair Begg is a favorite teaching pastor of ours (Parkside Church was our home church when we lived in NE Ohio), […]

Happy Easter 2021 – He is risen. He is risen indeed.

| April 4, 2021

For Christians, there’s no more celebrated day than Easter … for without a risen Savior, no other day in Christianity would matter. He is risen indeed!  BUT … why does the day always change? I mean, we’ve assigned December 25th to celebrate Christmas and most other holidays on our calendar at least fall in the […]

Adding Truth For Life Devotional link to

| November 8, 2020

The menu “navigational links” just under the header of My Desultory Blog are primarily there for my own short-cuts … and I haven’t changed them for years. A few aren’t really used much anymore, with improved browser bookmarks – one click bookmarks are just much more convenient. This past week I made a change. I […]

Technology, communication, parenting and The Lord’s Prayer

| July 7, 2019

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The weather is not to my liking, but it is a “Good Friday”

| April 19, 2019

After a first cutting of the backyard, the flowering phlox and Redbud trees make even a cold and gloomy “Good Friday” worth taking a panorama photo. But let’s keep our focus on what Jesus did for us and the reason we refer today as “GOOD Friday” – I like what Rev Franklin Graham shared on […]

Happy Easter! Victory over death and sin through Jesus Christ.

| April 1, 2018

Happy Easter brothers and sisters in Christ!         He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed. This past week I’ve been listening to Alistair Begg speak on Life After Death recorded from Parkside Church and shared on the Truth For Life podcast. Ever since Katelyn and Drew gave me the Amazon Echo Dot for Christmas I […]

A tribute to Billy Graham – “I can only imagine”

| March 5, 2018 William Franklin Graham Jr. (November 7, 1918 – February 21, 2018) Adding a story that is fitting after reflecting on Billy Graham. I read it during my brief morning (usually evening) devotional and had me smiling as I remembered pre-NIV King James Bible reading as a teenager. This morning, I want to tell you a […]

An interview with Dr Francis Collins triggered a book order

| September 14, 2017

While driving this week I had a opportunity to scan through a few SiriusXM stations and picked up on part of a Bloomberg interview between philanthropist David Rubenstein and National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins (looked up the video so I could listen to the entire interview later – below).  Dr Collins seemed […]

Stand up for what you believe, but do it with love for one another

| April 15, 2017

Standing up for your own views is a good thing. Recognizing the views and values of others is a great thing. Coming together in respect for others is much too rare a thing … but it is likely the only way we’ll find peace while living here on this earth. Whether or not you accepted […]

Follow up video from Mr Godwrench and The Happy Church

| September 28, 2016

Thanks Tim for sending me the video from the Mr. Godwrench service day in Jackson, Kentucky (last week’s post). It was great to see the good times and teaching moments … both "hands-on" car maintenance and emulating what it is to have a Christian heart … and I’m sure it felt good for the givers […] website traffic is exploding in India

| August 3, 2016

An online website project that I have the privilege to be involved with is My good friend Pastor Keith Thomas, a super nice guy and one of the more scholarly writers and teachers that I know, writes and teaches small group Bible studies from his home base in Cincinnati, Ohio. His online reach is […]

Music: Going Home from 1975 by Barry McGuire

| May 22, 2016

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He has risen … He is risen .. He is risen indeed.

| March 27, 2016

   Happy Easter to all believers and those yet to acknowledge God’s gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.  Today is the day we recognize the fulfillment of the earthly life of Jesus. Without the risen Lord and Savior … we sinners are not capable of existing side by side with God. I am so thankful […]

Hosanna! Celebrating Palm Sunday

| March 20, 2016

On a spring Sunday in 30 A.D. (est), the city of Jerusalem was crowded with pilgrims who had come for the annual Passover celebration. Jesus, who had been traveling through the towns and villages of Palestine was also heading to Jerusalem. He preached about the kingdom of God and healed the sick wherever He went, […]

He has risen – Happy Easter 2015

| April 5, 2015

Jesus Has Risen 1On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4While they were wondering […]

Teaching and spreading the Gospel —

| March 9, 2014

Keith Thomas, writer, pastor and good friend of mine, has been using his “small group” expertise to help teach others how to lead Bible studies and to be more effective disciples of Christ. His writings and excellent Bible teaching materials are available at for all who are interested … share the Good News! I’ve […]

Ordered a discounted copy of “Killing Jesus”

| October 5, 2013

Don Imus had an excellent interview with commentator and bestselling author Bill O’Reilly a few days ago and the exchange has me even more interested in reading O’Reilly’s Killing Jesus. The book is presented as a “history” rather than a religious book but as a Catholic, O’Reilly believes inspiration comes from the Holy Spirit and thinks he […]

Archive: Triggering a Christian’s everyday mindset

| May 6, 2012

Christ calls us to be “fishers of men” not just “keepers of the aquarium.” Be bold today. Share the gospel in your deeds AND words.

Just a little Christian humor …

| October 4, 2011

Thanks Jeff … although not sure I appreciated the “this reminds me of you” comment!

Campus Crusade for Christ changing name to Cru

| July 20, 2011

Something tells me that I’m not alone in wondering why an organization that has successfully carried out it’s mission while continuing to grow its ministry since 1951 is changing their name. Not only are they trying to create a less-descript “Cru” identity, but are dropping “Christ.” Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) — the popular, large-scale […]

The Ultimate Sacrifice

| April 16, 2006

The weather here in Cincinnati has take a sudden switch to summer this past week as both the temperature and humidity are as if it were July or August. As I left the VA Hospital complex in Dayton, Ohio I decided to drive the slowly through the cemetery and take the long way back to […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog