RichC | August 2, 2023
Not my photo, but I’m not sure how comfortable the average passenger flying this “budget” airline (???) are when seeing the tape on the wing? Also while sitting on the back porch a little Praying Mantis came to visit (video below).
Category: Aviation, Photos, Social Media, Video |
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Tags: aircraft, airlines, airplane, insect, mantis, mp4, praying, tape, twitter, wings
RichC | May 9, 2020
Nothing like a little nature video with your breakfast cereal to start your day .. YIKES! I’ll never be able to look at my “Little Praying Friend” the same again. The latest news is that the giant 2 inch Murder Hornets (Asian giant hornets) are showing up in the western United States and threatening honey […]
Category: Environment, Nature, News, Video |
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Tags: bees, eating, hornet, insects, mantis, mp4, murder hornet, nature, praying mantis, video
RichC | July 21, 2017
While learning a little bit more about the improved camera on the iPhone7+ (was the reason I opted for the "plus" was the camera), I tested the macro and zoom features while shooting a video of my "Little Praying Friend." It has been vastly improved over the iPhone 5 in several areas … particularly stabilization […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Photography, Video |
1 Comment »
Tags: apple, camera, insect, iphone7plus, mantis, praying, tech friday, techfriday, test, video