RichC | June 11, 2015
Although I still own and wear an old pair of New Balance athletic shoes, this is a reminder post to myself (posted before) to consider the New Balance brand when replacing my current Sketchers (no complains as they are great shoes too). I liked the comments in the video (below) and article on CNBC about […]
Category: Advice, Business, Shopping, Sports, Video-TV |
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Tags: athletic, cnbc, newbalance, shoes, sports, usa
RichC | November 30, 2012
I started a post earlier in the week with the intent to demonstrate my ability to “Rise Above” and to recommend a compromise solution that would address the fiscal cliff, but I realized that I was banging my head against a wall even when dealing with people I get along with. I can’t imagine reaching […]
Category: Business, Financial, Politics |
Tags: economy, fiscal cliff, new balance, newbalance, rise above, shoes