RichC | February 8, 2016
It is well past time that we elect representatives with a little more commonsense than the ones who churned out “feel good” public assistance help from Washington DC and many state houses. They love handing out “other people’s money.” Perhaps they think of themselves as do-gooders and either, don’t see or don’t care, that the […]
Category: Financial, Misc, Productivity, Quotes |
Tags: america, entitlements, government, obamaconomy, op-ed, socialism, way of life
RichC | November 30, 2012
Playing the tax game as a big business or 1%-er investor must be a challenging problem to have? [sarcasm] Here’s a Wall Street Journal op-ed commenting on Costco’s recent “early” dividend announcement. Uncertainly in the tax code, along with the credits, deductions and complexity, slows economic growth, deters job creation and demonstrates that the more […]
Category: Business, Financial, Politics |
Tags: costco, dividends, fiscal cliff, op-ed, taxes, wsj