A New Dawn: American Optimism Flourishes Post-2024 Election

| January 2, 2025

A palpable sense of optimism has swept across America since the November 2024 elections. The nation, having navigated a period of intense political division, now looks forward with renewed hope and confidence. The election results have sparked a collective sense of relief and of possibility, with many Americans believing that the future holds great promise […]

Private sector vs Government comparison: Wages and Benefits

| December 21, 2024

Where should you work — for the government or their private counterpart? From economist Stephen Moore: According to @RealEJAntoni‘s recent analysis, the cost of state and local government employees is a staggering 41.7% higher than their private sector counterparts.  While wages are 24.4% higher, the real kicker is benefits—an astonishing 83.0% more!

Tech Friday: Big Tech’s data access knows no bounds … and neither do some politicians and government agencies

| September 6, 2024

Europe and their big government overreaches in restricting personal liberty by American standards, but that same heavy handedness often does more that the U.S. to protect an individual’s privacy from Big Tech and their sweeping data collection machines.  Ever since social media and cloud-oriented companies desired to take ownership of their users data, it has […]

President Biden stands down and endorses VP Kamala Harris

| July 23, 2024

The political news this past weekend, after a successful Republican Convention in Milwaukee WI, was that President Joe Biden finally succumbing to pressure and bowed out of his 2024 re-election campaign. For most paying attention, it has been clear for sometime that age was catching up to him. Most in the know, saw the obvious […]

Ronald Reagan was sharp with Johnny Carson [video for #TBT]

| March 28, 2024

As we approach another presidential election in November 2024 (it is still a long way off) … I find myself wishing we had Ronald Reagan on the ballot. I’ve yet to decide whether he put my political ideology into words, or if his political desires and presidency formed the positions I hold today? Whatever, this is […]

How is the U.S. National Debt looking 13 years later?

| September 30, 2023

Thirteen years ago I blogged on the US National Debt spiraling out of control (the US National Debt was $13.5 Trillion in September of 2013) … who knew we wouldn’t even remotely take this exponentially increasing monstrosity seriously? Now we’re $33 TRILLION in debt, running huge deficits, and adding to the national debt even faster […]

How much do you know about the Federal Reserve?

| June 8, 2023

If the answer is “not enough” … check out this short YouTube video explainer.

Is the Debt Ceiling debate really our biggest problem?

| May 27, 2023

Once again, politicians are taking our US SPENDING and BORROWING problem right to the wire. Everyone knows that eventually politicians will just raise the debt ceiling and borrow more. The Republicans want spending cuts and the Democrats want a “clean increase” so as to be able to pay promised liabilities (previous spending) and we all […]

After 8 years as a Clermont County Planner, Taylor has accepted a new position in Batavia Township, Ohio

| May 2, 2023

It is a bitter sweet departure from Clermont County for my son Taylor. He has grown professionally and enjoyed his job as Planner for the last 8 years after moving back to Ohio from Williston, ND (being a Planner for Williams County was his first job out of college). He has been patient and taken on […]

With ridiculously old IT, where is the IRS spending most of their new $80 BILLION dollar taxpayer funded windfall?

| April 18, 2023

Yup … ENFORCEMENT. … hundreds of IRS applications have been around for at least 25 years and dozens that have been in existence for more than 50. There were also pieces of software running 15 updates behind the current version. Fifteen! That’s like using a new iPhone with the iOS from the original iPhone …  […]

Audiobook – Inflated: How Money and Debt Built the American Dream by R. Christopher Whalen (published 2010)

| February 28, 2023

This past month on our trip to Florida, I downloaded an audiobook on Hoopla from the library in order to save on iPhone data (our Mint Mobile plan has a 4GB limit). I started it on my AfterShokz headset while on the beach, but Brenda soon wanted to listen with me … so we both […]

Archive: Saving a couple family update items to the blog

| February 1, 2023

This content is restricted.

Lunar eclipse, Beaver Moon but NO Blood Red Wave election

| November 9, 2022

Skywatching and politics have little in common, unless one is stretching for a to put the two together in a morning after a November midterm election blog post. In the early Tuesday morning  hours, before the election polls opened, the Blood “Red” Moon was being photographed and viewed by skywatchers — often referred to at […]

Election 2022: Tuesday November 8th is FREE America Day

| November 7, 2022

If there is one thing palpable in America, it is that Americans are worried about their country and our future. Ever since the COVID19 pandemic began and particularly since President Biden took office in 2020 … hard working, freedom-loving citizens in our country have watched their liberty and prosperity eroded. There is both concern and […]

Do state/city/local taxes impact interstate migration?

| October 18, 2022

As a former GOP VP hopeful would say, “You betcha.” In catching up on my Tax Foundation reading, one of their recent emails highlighted what internationally we have seen in off and onshoring is that businesses go to where they are treated best. It most often has to do with a companies lowest cost of […]

Stock market pain was felt on Wall Street – 9/13/2022

| September 13, 2022

If you believe the number 13 makes for an unlucky day, you’ll probably point to that as an omen … but the deep, nearly 1300 points, drop in the Dow came as investors and economists were expecting an easing pace of inflation … not continued high inflation.  The CPI report indicated a 8.3% rate compared […]

What’s this political football call the “Inflation Reduction Act?”

| August 7, 2022

While discussing the “will it” or “won’t it” Inflation Reduction Act being pushed by Democratic leadership in Washington DC as a way to replace the failed 2021 Build Back Better spending plan by President Biden last week, I figured digging into the details might prove better than spewing left or right talking points. The bill […]

Remembering when we had better leadership in WashingtonDC

| April 13, 2022

It is hard to stand by and watch the wasteful spending, bloating of government and divisive polices streaming from our Federal government in Washington DC this past year. Unfortunately there seems to be no stopping the progressive Democrats in Congress who push their leftist agenda, followed by a constant stream of poor decisions from President […]

How long can the U.S. keep bailing before the ship sinks?

| January 25, 2022

So … how’s the economy doing in 2022? Well, if you measure it based on the stock market or maybe finding a job (if you want to work) … then the façade looks ok. Dig a little deeper and you’ll find out that your paycheck doesn’t go that far … IF you can find what […]

Quote filler: François-Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire

| January 15, 2022

The post this morning was of the “friends and family” variety … and is not viewable unless you’re logged in. So for those visiting My Desultory Blog this Saturday afternoon, here’s a François-Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire, politically oriented quote as an afternoon blog filler and to encourage registering. “To learn who rules over […]

A storm is coming and few running our country seem to care

| January 8, 2022

It feels like we are obliviously sailing on the Titanic and ignoring a financial storm on the horizon. We know that there is a debt iceberg ahead and yet have convinced ourselves that the United States is unsinkable … and so … continue our TRILLION dollar money printing and our unsustainable spending ways. Congress spends […]

How much control are you willing to give to the government?

| November 24, 2021

America has split down the middle on a lot of things that many of us took for granted just a few years ago. Our individual liberty is being eroded away with the help of progressives using propaganda and the heavy hand of the “we know better” bureaucrats to seize more power every day. The mainstream […]

TRILLIONs more in spending? IRS tracking at the $600 level? Where are the sensible leaders in our Federal government?

| October 9, 2021

If you think about it, the IRS will probably need far more than another $80 BILLION tax dollars to hire enough agents to track and follow up on every American who has a bank account or transaction over $600? A major component of President Joe Biden’s plan to raise revenue to pay for his trillions […]

Renewables and EV charging at home vs charging station issue

| July 3, 2021

As we transition to renewable energy and electric vehicles, the discussion I had with a German tourist on our cruise to Alaska continues to replay in my head. I am an advocate of free-market capitalism and smaller, less intrusive government … but have been known to stumble a bit and have supported government using incentives […]

Civility in debating political views and “my” Letter to the Editor

| May 12, 2021

In February 2021, I mentioned The Hustings news website which highlighted how much I appreciated that in America we can hold different political views and civilly debate issues without fear of government retribution (First Amendment). Unfortunately in the past decade or so our differences have become so divisive and derisive, that I’m not sure that […]

What do MMT economists theorize? “The Deficit Myth” #book

| May 8, 2021

A few times before I’ve thought, and blogged about MMT or Modern Monetary Theory, when it comes to newfangled economics. Personally, I (nor many economists) can accept the thinking or rationalize the large deficits and debt path our country is on. In order to better understand the mind-set, I decided to read Stephanie Kelton’s book […]

Political venting and a new website called TheHustings.news

| February 9, 2021

Did you ever have a political discussion or receive an email that generated a desire to reply and explain? That sort of happened to me this weekend … but I decided there isn’t an upside in the one on one reply. The best approach, as is often the case when talking about faith and religion, […]

The US trend is politically left as opposing voices are squelched

| January 19, 2021

It’s not “breaking news” that we live in a changing United States of America or that propaganda and control over speech is being used to steer large swaths of the population towards leftist ideology … but what is eye-opening is just how coordinated the powers that be are in opposing the “rights” protected by our […]

As the holidays approach, mini-dictators flex their power

| November 23, 2020

One of the more disturbing trends during the COVID19COVID19 pandemic has been the infringement on personal liberty by politicians in the country.Thankfully we are closing in on a vaccine, but the heavy-handed restrictions that may have been tolerated during the initial outbreak, aren’t being received well by those who are trying to keep food on the […]

With June 2020 behind us, how is Ohio handling COVID19?

| July 2, 2020

It sure would be nice to report all is well in Ohio, but unfortunately our returning to semi-normal routines  and statewide reopening has hit a snag … at least according to those elected and paid to monitor our health. See coronavirus.ohio.gov. ALERT LEVELS: (all include “Follow all current health orders”) Active exposure and spread. Increased […]

US Debt clock, Unfunded Liabilities and Debt to GDP ratio

| June 24, 2020

By now we all have heard and know about the TRILLIONS we have borrowed and continue to borrow as a nation in deep debt, but few are willing to make any changes to the status quo before this house of cards comes tumbling down. What we don’t really thing about quite as much are the […]

If you dislike the police or civil society, ignore the next two posts

| June 13, 2020

It is officially time for me to start wearing the “grumpy old man” cap (or “GOM” as my “poke the bear” friend Jeff refers to it). I can’t believe the things our country is now divided over. Tomorrow I’ll detail a little more on the serious items, but today its the ridiculous attack on everything […]

Where COVID19 cases are on the rise and a Center for Disease Control and Prevention PSA on the Symptoms of Coronavirus

| May 15, 2020

We are all likely on information overload when it comes to the Coronavirus and how it has impacted our country and the world. Still, it seemed appropriated to include a reminder as we start to re-open the country that the threat is far from over – we have just “flattened the curve” as it were. […]

Are US presidents “rock-stars” based on political ideology?

| February 25, 2020

It is shocking to see the “rock-star welcome” (or thumbs down reception in socialist leaning countries) that “recent” American presidents get when they are overseas. I said “recent American presidents” in respect for the popularity President Obama had when traveling in the leaning countries of Europe; he was seen as tilting the U.S. to the […]

The challenges of pursing the American Dream – a discussion

| June 21, 2019

Taylor is my millennial antagonist when it comes to discussing politics, investing and both government and personal finances. We both enjoy debating, so it’s cool most of the time. He is also a product of his generation just as I am of mine. We view the role and expanse of government differently when it comes […]

Ohio gas taxes and a book by Kristin Tate – How Do I Tax Thee?

| March 7, 2019

I do miss browsing in bookstores … something our family would regularly do Sunday after church … and something my daughter and I would do “in the good ol’ days” when I would visit her in college. I suppose there are still a few bookstores around to enjoy, but nowadays I read what is recommended […]

Perhaps you should get a wireless phone plan in Oregon?

| February 7, 2019

The 2018 wireless phone Tax Foundation report came out in December 2018 and although we may have seen income tax rates drop, wireless phone plans continue to be ripe for the taxman’s pickings. It is shocking to see such a wide rate structure from all the different states (map above) but that doesn’t tell the […]

Politicians of all stripes love spending someone else’s money

| January 12, 2019

There is one thing that is consistent in Washington DC … politicians and bureaucrats love spending other people’s money. It doesn’t matter whether they are a Democrats or a Republicans …  socialists or capitalists … politicians all want someone else to pay for their ideas. The current top two politicians in the news are newly […]

Markets rallied, and as one headline stated, Ratemania!

| November 28, 2018

The Dow closed up 618 points on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve chief Jerome Powell indicated that "interest rates are just below the neutral level that neither aids or hinders economic growth." Investors looking for something positive as they wait hoping for some good news during the G-20 meeting between President Trump and China’s Xi […]

How prepared are we for the next economic downturn?

| November 13, 2018

After Monday’s selloff (see below), what lies ahead for the U.S. economy? That thought has some of seriously thinking the next economic downturn could come sooner rather than as expected … later. The sell off … "again" … has me wondering if we are prepared for the next recession? Is the U.S., or the world, […]

“A Complete National Disgrace” – Where is our nation headed?

| October 6, 2018

As we watch the Brett Kavanaugh hearing play out in the political circus that has become Washington DC politics, some Americans have lost sight that there are actual people and lives at the center of these hearings. Senate confirmation hearings were once straight forward, and usually concluded with a vote to confirm, if the appointed […]

A “new to me” addition to Parkinson’s Law

| May 6, 2018

Parkinson’s Law has a wide lattitude of application or perhaps abuse by those of us that do the same for Murphy, but I’ve heard it most often when referring to bureaucratic management and the perpetual growth of an organization. The adage goes that “work expands so as to file the time available for its completion.”  […]

What is Crony Capitalism?

| March 10, 2018

A simple explanation of crony capitalism in this Prageru video, but a challenging to stop corruption that exists with politicians running governments.

What is this GOP Memo thing all about in 4 minutes

| February 10, 2018

Here is the short take from the guys who wrote #thememo. No matter which political party is using the FBI, Department of Justice … or for that matter IRS or other agency … in order to stack the deck to achieve their favored political outcome, it has to stop. Those abusing power need to be […]

Financial markets continue down – DJIA off another 1033 points

| February 8, 2018

So much for the "good news" that tax cuts will eventually providing revenue by helping the economy grow. The "hope" is that over time the economy growing will put more people to work (it is) and that the snowball would eventually grow paychecks (it is) AND that we could begin to reduce our country’s yearly […]

A government shutdown and not over cuts or more spending

| January 21, 2018

We are dealing with a government shutdown once again. Our ineffective elected politicians in Washington DC can’t figure out how to work together in a way to even keep the federal government doors open for business … let alone do the actual work to improve the country without making someone suffer (those depending on a […]

At least with the ACA we all have affordable healthcare #sarcasm

| September 7, 2017

Obviously the "promises" made by the Obama administration, and the Democrats who passed the Affordable Care Act (ACA), have failed us … and the current GOP controlled congress have failed to fix, repeal or replace (their promise if elected). Who in middle class America can afford health insurance at $1000/mo with a $12,900 deductible?  As […]

Is the government sector overpaid or private sector underpaid?

| August 3, 2017

Just one more irritation as to how politicians spend tax dollars … and line their own pockets. For the past couple of decades, the private sector has been struggling … particularly the blue collar worker and mid to lower management employees. Pensions are non-existent, benefits eliminated and health care for the private sector a nightmare!  […]

It seems inevitable gasoline and diesel taxes will go up

| June 13, 2017

There was a time when I thought I could count on Republicans who now control the House of Representatives, Senate and Whitehouse in Washington DC to reduce taxes — how naïve of me. The latest going around is how "gasoline and diesel taxes haven’t been increase in years and how they need to go up […]

Rethinking our National Debt while still encouraging growth

| June 4, 2017

From a small business perspective, excessive debt is near the top for reasons entrepreneurs fail in business. In my experience there are bankers and leasers with terms in the lenders favor, but not in the borrower’s favor. Bankruptcies are harmful not only to the person and family going through the ordeal, but on the creditors […]

A three day reprieve on Tax Day, but …

| April 18, 2017

… the IRS bite feels just the same.

It is time to get serious about working on and filing taxes

| April 2, 2017

The beginning of April is one of my least favorite times of the year … tax time … but for a couple reasons, next year should be better. This is the last FULL year to file for MomH and her trust return. We should see lower tax rates for 2017 (if retroactive?) Republicans are advocating to simplify […]

Federal Income Taxes – what changes are in store for 2017?

| February 16, 2017

Unless you’ve had your head in the sand pile, you know that there is a shake-up happening in Washington DC since the election of President Donald Trump and his taking office less than 1 month ago. Much of the economic optimism seen by new records on Wall Street, job incentives and both interest rates and […]

The morning or mourning after: Trump wins, Clinton concedes

| November 9, 2016

Everybody thinks they are an economist … including me!

| October 16, 2016

I love simplicity … so when tossing around political footballs, I generally join the team that at least "attempts" to simplify government and taxes. I’m not naïve enough to believe it will ever happen or even work well, but after filing personal (for friends and family), organizations and business taxes for years, it would sure […]

A new book to read from Fox News host Juan Williams

| April 21, 2016

I would have put the title of the book in the subject line, BUT it is a long one: We the People: The Modern Day Figures Who Have Reshaped and Affirmed the Founding Fathers’ Vision of America … whew! Title aside, I’m really looking forward to readings Juan Williams thoughts on the impact on America […]

Learning the New American way of Life in the Obamaconomy

| February 8, 2016

It is well past time that we elect representatives with a little more commonsense than the ones who churned out “feel good” public assistance help from Washington DC and many state houses. They love handing out “other people’s money.”  Perhaps they think of themselves as do-gooders and either, don’t see or don’t care, that  the […]

How are you doing in the Obama economy?

| September 23, 2015

No doubt the American Dream is slipping away from the middle class, but a quick look a few graphs below depicts an even more dismal image of a nation in decline. Is it too late to turn our country around? Let’s hope not!   Unfortunately too many regulations, thousands of laws, taxes on taxes and […]

Counties in Ohio continue to stealthily raise Sales Taxes

| July 27, 2015

Small business owners who regularly collect sales tax on their goods and services might not be quite as enamored with the “economic rebound” being boasted about in Ohio. While I do support Gov John Kasich and realized he does not have direct impact on counties needing to find more tax revenue, the tax shifting in […]

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax #WSJ

| May 8, 2015

The bigger the federal government grows and the longer the tenticles reach into business and personal lives, the slower our country grows. What will it take for Americans to recognize that our country grows and lifts every citizen when the ambitious and innovative are not thwarted by Uncle Sam at every turn?  Besides limiting the […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog