RichC | August 19, 2011
I was disappointed to hear that HP lost its way as a productive technology company in this economic downturn and was caught off-guard in their decision to say “so long” to webOS. (business story LINK) As a longtime webOS Palm Pre user (a “longtime” is a relative term for smartphones), I’ve been wondering just what […]
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Tags: hp, palm, pre3, touchpad
RichC | August 17, 2011
From the start, it wasn’t that hard to predict a slow go for HP in releasing their Touchpad. As a Palm Pre webOS user and sometimes enthusiast, the slow-motion releases in handset, webOS and tablet products have left existing users wanting and contemplating buyers asking “Why?” Couple that with the largest users base (Sprint) feeling […]
Category: Cellphone, Financial, Technology |
Tags: hp, hpq, palm, pre3, touchpad, webos
RichC | June 17, 2011
Well after hearing the latest rumor news from the Precentral blogs (Pre3 on Verizon and AT&T in July), I’m realizing that my days with a Palm Pre are numbered … maybe a good thing since I’ve enjoyed playing with a couple of the new Android phones in recent weeks. For now I’m not in a […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology |
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Tags: hp, palm, pre3, smarphone, sprint, touchpad
RichC | February 10, 2011
Archiving Wednesday’s HP-Palm Veer, Pre3 and TouchPad product announcement event video — yesterday’s posts 1 and 2.
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Technology, Video |
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Tags: hp, palm, pre3, touchpad, veer