RichC | November 18, 2023
Just saving a couple photos after walking the debris covered walkway at Atlantic Dunes in Delray Beach, Florida after the “monsoon” of a November 2023 storm. The heavy surf wash away A LOT of sand beach and left a mess of branches and leaves on the trails we normally walk on. Thankfully the heavy wind, […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Travel, Video |
Tags: beach, delray beach, florida, mp4, rain, seinfeld, storm, wind
RichC | December 1, 2022
With Thanksgiving behind us, I’m wondering if Brenda is adopting a new-to-us December holiday tradition? Perhaps or most likely not … but I do see something that looks like a Seinfeld-like “Festivus” pole in our foyer. For those familiar with the the long running television comedy Seinfeld, you will recall immediately the 1997 episode call […]
Category: Holiday, Humor |
1 Comment
Tags: brenda, christmas, decoration, festivus, Holiday, Humor, pole, seinfeld, tree
RichC | December 8, 2013
Have you ever purchase items from overseas that you thought were a great deal? Well, buyer beware since there can be glitches when it comes to jumping online and “importing or exporting” (the key words) to and from the U.S. when it come to customs … besides the inherent risk involved in exchanging money. I […]
Category: Advice, Financial, Shopping, Technology, Video-TV |
Tags:, customs, duty, exporting, importing, seinfeld, speedtest, tariff
RichC | June 23, 2011
Subject line stated in a Jerry Seinfeld voice … Helloooo | Seinfeld Yes … I stopped in on my daughter this week while traveling and enjoyed seeing her new apartment a bit more organized that when she moved in. The new “orange” wall was bold for my taste but brightened her living room and […]
Category: Archive, Audio, Personal, Photos |
Tags: apartment, columbus, katelyn, mp3, pulled pork, recipe, seinfeld