RichC | April 17, 2019
It was a struggle to contain my frustration as I watched Senator Bernie Sanders pitch his version of Democratic Socialism to a “townhall” Q & A hosted by Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum of Fox News on Monday night. I “SO” hope that the American people have far more commonsense than to head further down […]
Category: Financial, Humor, Politics, Video |
Tags: art laffer, bernie sanders, capitalism, democrat, foxnews, Humor, incentives, progressive, republican, socialism, townhall, video
RichC | August 23, 2009
As the August recess for our congressional representatives draws to a close, the concerns of many Americans have been clearly and forcefully expressed in townhall meeting across the country. One such American expressed the growing opinion of many citizens regarding the change in government happening in our country. David William Hedrick, a USMC veteran, expressed […]
Category: Politics, Video |
Tags: health care, Politics, townhall