RichC | December 11, 2019
Pocketknives have been part of my life since I was a 5 year old … yes, you heard that right, FIVE YEARS OLD. My grandfather gave me my first 1-inch semi-toy pocketknife when my family was still living on Spencer Street in Toledo – which means I was likely still only 4 (it was a […]
Category: Aviation, Memories, Personal, Photos, Tools, Travel |
Tags: air travel, army, jackknife, knife, minichamp, penknife, pocket, pocketknife, spiritx, swiss, swiss army knife, swisstool, tsa, victorinox, wenger
RichC | September 15, 2019
The Wall Street Journal Middle Seat writer reminds us that in about a year, just before the 2020 election, there will likely be a few more airport delays and angry passengers attempt to use their “old” driver’s licenses as an ID in order to pass through the TSA screening line. UGH! One can only imagine […]
Category: Misc, Travel |
Tags: airport, middle seat, real id, regulations, scott mccartney, traveling, tsa,
RichC | January 25, 2019
As more and more federal employees decide they aren’t going to continue to work without a paycheck, the focus has shifted to the unpaid in the Coast Guard, TSA and Air Traffic Control. Air travel has now moved front and center as the “shutdown-standoff” continues (the Senate is at least negotiating). Flyers are feeling it […]
Category: Aviation, News, Politics |
Tags: airplane, airport, animated, bird, border, drone, FAA, gif, pelosi, Politics, quadrotor, security, shutdown, strike, Travel, trump, tsa, video
RichC | November 21, 2015
What a duffus! I don’t want to admit, but I made a MAJOR airport security mistake on Friday morning … and am thankfully a free man to tell the tale. KUDOS to the much maligned Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for doing their job and doing it well. Neglectful Rich left an extended round full 9mm […]
Category: Aviation, Misc, Personal, Travel |
Tags: airplane, carry, conceal, firearms, kahr pm9, security, tsa
RichC | July 17, 2011
This was the first air travel that I opted to go fully paperless using Delta’s E-Boarding barcode utilizing my Palm Pre. The process from check-in online to bag checking and the TSA and boarding went well and although I questioned losing the barcode webos card (and Internet connection!) between the ticketing counter and TSA, it […]
Category: Cellphone, Technology, Travel |
Tags: airline, delta, e-boarding, Travel, tsa