Super Tuesday – Are you voting today?
Posted By RichC on February 5, 2008
Although many areas have important local issues on the ballot … and local officials to elect, the nation is focused on selecting candidates that will run for President in November 2008. To coin a college basketball term … its the “final four.” The Democrats will choose between Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton; the Republicans will choose between Senator John McCain and Mitt Romney. (although I suspect Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul will get a few votes?)
According to most polls I’ve seen, the GOP race is leaning toward the more moderate John McCain. On my blog, I’ve commented a few times recognizing his service to country as a patriot and true American hero; he is a man I respect. That said, there are couple areas where I differ with his positions, but not enough to deter my voting for him. As for the two running as Democrats, its good that I can’t for for them as neither is all that attractive to me — in fact one actually makes me quite ill! If you are undecided as to who might make the best Democratic candidate, just watch “Hillary the Movie” trailer clip below before you go to the polls.