RichC | March 22, 2012
According to Volkswagen (WSJ), the demand for their new American built Passat is showing steady improvement and therefore they’ll will be adding a 3rd shift and 800 new jobs in their Chattanooga Tennessee plant. I’ve commented on the new diesel version Passat previously and found it an excellent mid-sized sedan; with the current high oil […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Video-TV, Volkswagen |
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Tags: cnbc, diesel, passat, tdi, volkswagen
RichC | March 22, 2012
It’s easy for someone like me with a fiscally and socially conservative ideology to disagree with President Obama and his expansion of government. I disagree with his irresponsible deficit spending, his liberal social philosophies and adding new entitlements. As he approaches re-election he has also returned to blaming someone else for problems, even after 3+ […]
Category: Audio, Energy, Politics, Video |
Tags: algae, democrat, energy, gingrich, obama, oil, republican