Teaching and spreading the Gospel — GroupBibleStudy.com

Posted By on March 9, 2014

Keith Thomas, writer, pastor and good friend of mine, has been using his “small group” expertise to help teach others how to lead Bible studies and to be more effective disciples of Christ. His writings and excellent Bible teaching materials are available at groupbiblestudy.com for all who are interested … share the Good News!gbs_video_logo

I’ve been helping Keith with hosting and building his WordPress based website for a few years now and have been encouraging him to try a little video on his site … starting with  a few lectures from an evening series he is currently teaching on the Parables of Jesus. Let’s hope these first few videos are well received.

Keith is originally from England and is currently living in Cincinnati, but by utilizing the reach of the Internet his “small group”  study materials can be easily shared worldwide, and the interest is amazing. It is rewarding to see the Gospel and Christian leadership training making it into unwelcomed and more oppressed areas of the world. Originally we expected most visits and downloads to come from English speaking countries in North America and the United Kingdom, but by far the most interest has come from China, southeast Asia and the Arab countries in the middle east and Africa (working on translations).

gbsclustermapSo if you are interested in supporting a small but worthy Christian ministry outreach, consider Keith Thomas Ministries or enrich yourself by reading, watching or downloading a series from groupbiblestudy.com.


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog