RichC | October 28, 2015
It has been a while since attending a TDIFest, but each year I do help with the finances and bookkeeping for a popular Volkswagen diesel car club. One of the quirks of the TDIClub is that it is based out British Columbia, Canada and yet our annual “fest” is held in the U.S. The 2015 […]
Category: Automotive, Volkswagen |
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Tags: diesel, tdi, tdiclub, tdifest, volkswagen
RichC | October 28, 2015
With a few connections in the drug store world, it is always interesting to see who’s next in the acquisitions and mergers. On Tuesday, the financial news filled up mid-day with the latest deal: Walgreens Boots Alliance seeking to buy Rite Aid Corp. This would merge the second and third largest chains together and reduce […]
Category: Business, Financial, Health |
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Tags: $RAD, $WBA, aquisition, deal, drugs, merger, retail, stores