RichC | October 29, 2015
Now that the popular social networking company Twitter has a “rudder,” Jack Dorsey, CEO, one would think confidence would be higher? That is difficult to tell when reading and monitoring those who are paid to research, have deeper insight and advise investors (graphic on right). The consensus is wildly split, both on the direction of […]
Category: Business, Financial, Social Media |
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Tags: $TWTR, investing, Social Networking, stocks, trading, twitter
RichC | October 29, 2015
An old friend Charlie Matthews (Kamikaze) and I are closing in on a memorable December 1977 road trip we took together in his Volkswagen bug. We had a great time (minus the medical incident) and started a yearly trip for me with buddies that repeated for years. I ran across a couple more when my […]
Category: Personal, Photos, TBT, Travel, Volkswagen |
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Tags: 1977, beetle, bug, charlie matthews, florida, kamikaze, trip, vw