Investors have have enjoyed markets risings so far in 2024, but tech leaders hit the brakes yesterday – 7/24/2024

| July 25, 2024

The indices took a dive on Wall Street on Wednesday as the Magnificent Seven tech stocks that have lead the stock market recently, sold off after Alphabet $GOOGL(parent of Google) and Tesla $TSLA disappointed with earnings.  As a WSJ live post put it, “the thrashing wiped out hundreds of billions of dollars in market value […]

Impressive US stock market rally yesterday and political winds

| July 11, 2024

Those of us following the stock market and managing investments can’t help but smile at the strong U.S. financial markets on Wednesday and so far this summer. For some who “sell in May and go away” (as the idiom goes) … they are are not smiling quite as much. As a long term value investor, […]

Tech Friday: MacBook Air M2, Spaces and portable displays

| September 8, 2023

One of my social media contacts who knows that I’ve been using computers to monitor investments and trade for decades heard me mention that I switched to a tiny MacBook Air M2 from a 27” PC display (iMac with a second Thunderbolt Apple display running Windows 10 on Parallels). He asked how it was possible […]

Tighter money and a slowing economy impacts company earnings

| March 2, 2023

A chip company I’ve watched and traded up and down over the last few years has been Marvell Technology Group ($MRVL) and achieving consistency quarter to quarter and year to year is a challenge. With the economies around the world stressed with higher inflation and the tightening from central banks, meeting earnings estimates is becoming […]

Sound advice for 2023, but am I disciplined enough to follow?

| January 8, 2023

For the past few years, I’ve enjoyed reading the often contrarian thoughts from Forbes contributor, Brett Owens. He writes and contributes investment advice in several publications, newsletters and columns. He co-authored an excellent book too! 2023 Rule #1: Don’t fight the Fed. Print this rule out and tape it next to your computer. Or the […]

A Tesla $TSLA mistake: “Don’t try to catch a falling knife”

| December 27, 2022

How many of us who have been trading stocks and investing for decades have ignored the wise advice about buying a stock as it drops? Chart watchers, and maybe investors who have favorite companies, often listen to the conflicting thought from brokers, financial advisors and TV talking heads. We ignore the lessons from our past […]

Excellent Barron’s article on tax-lost harvesting strategies

| November 17, 2022

In Barron’s Magazine (11/10/2022), there was an excellent article by Karen Hube on “How to Use This Year’s Market Tumble to Reduce Your Tax Bill.” The read is helpful for those contemplating a way to use their losses to offset what they may have sold … or using the “market tumble” as a way to book […]

Advice: My current thoughts on hardware crypto wallets

| November 5, 2021

Although I’m not an all-in cryptocurrency buyer, trader or investor (pick your poison), I do own and am accumulating small amounts of different crypto. After a fair amount of  reading this past year, my conclusion is to use a reputable cryptocurrency exchange like Coinbase Pro, Coinbase (disclosure: I own $COIN stock), Uphold or Interactive Brokers […]

Are you interested in Cryptocurrency? Where will you keep it?

| October 23, 2021

It is probably inevitable that we will all be using cryptocurrency someday. The early adopters are already immersed and getting comfortable investing and trading it … perhaps too comfortable??? Risks of Leaving Cryptocurrency in Exchange A brief look at the history of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies reveals why it is dangerous to leave your crypto funds […]

From not being diversified to owning too many tickers?

| October 12, 2021

For most investors, the normal criticism is that they are not diversified enough … or at least they often own too much of one sector or one stock (happened in the old days when companies often matched or did a partial match in company stock). I’ve tried to keep “diversity” in mind over my lifetime […]

Who knows when we are closing in on a stock market top?

| June 9, 2021

When it comes to investing, I’m primarily a “value investor” who relies on fundamentals, but as for “trading,” which I have tinkered with for 30 years now, I’m an advocate self imposed rules and focusing on channel trading. Of course there are zillions of gurus boasting how they have perfected buy and sell signals, I […]

GE tops estimates, but share price is still suffering

| April 27, 2021

General Electric‘s ($GE) first-quarter 2021 earnings were as they should be. Still, it wasn’t quite enough for investors. General Electric (ticker: GE) shares were down about 2.7% in premarket trading. S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average futures, for comparison, were both off about 0.1%. The company reported an adjusted profit of 3 cents a […]

When will Ford reinstate their dividend? $F

| April 14, 2021

Since Ford once-upon-a-time paid a solid dividend, it was one of those stocks I felt comfortable trading in and out of or  just sitting on for a while … but after the company suspended the dividend in March of 2020, I had to re-think $F stock. Owning Ford in 2020 and so far in 2021 […]

Investing: Buying Vertex $VRTX for 2021 and hopefully beyond

| March 25, 2021

For the most part, I’m a conservative investor, although a regular channel trader, and I rarely speculates on risky upstarts, IPOs, zero-profit tech stocks, pharmaceutical long-shots or the latest crazy … cryptocurrency trend. Since most “risk” involves speculation, I see it more akin to gambling than eyes-open informed value or growth investing … both which […]

Bubblicious, but I am not talking about bubble gum popping

| January 26, 2021

All I can think about are the stock market “bubbles” from the past. I’d love to believe the upward trend we’ve seen this past years is genuine and built on an appropriate foundation, but suspect as most know, it is being built on “hope” and “stimulus dollars.” Now that is not to say that certain […]

Sold my Twitter $TWTR stock as the election nears

| October 2, 2020

With Twitter $TWTR stock rising this week and the election around the corner, I debated buying a PUT option, but instead decided I would feel more comfortable in a cash position than wondering what direction the stock will move next time. Years ago I unfortunately picked Twitter as my social network investment and for the […]

Watching stocks tank day after day requires a strong stomach

| March 10, 2020

The “old school” razor sharpening animated GIF below has NOTHING to do with my emotional state after stomaching Monday’s stock market crash and “oil war” between Russia and Saudi Arabia … so don’t read anything into my poor attempt at humor. After watching the DOW drop over 2158 points and seeing the index close just […]

My thoughts on the Coronavirus COVID-19 and investing

| March 7, 2020

I’ve purposely put off posting anything to MyDesultoryBlog as the worldwide spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (#COVID19) began. Partially since it is challenging to separate the unfounded fears and panic from the real threat since the reporting varies based on news sources (Information from China is particularly questionable but western media sources aren’t all […]

Trading and Investing in Energy has not been the wise move

| February 19, 2020

Those of us who spend any amount of time investing or trading stocks enjoy the good feeling when we’ve studied and made positive investing moves … but we also tend to ignore the stupid trades. Looking at today’s chart of Exxon $XOM (5.80% annual dividend), there is no way I can positively spin one of […]

What is going to stop the US stock market and $AAPL stock?

| January 18, 2020

While working on post highlighting the DJIA crossing 29,000, I realized that the stock market has blown through that milestone and is rocketing towards 30,000 and that I’ll have to start over (probably a “worry-wart” post is coming). One of the big contributors to this Dow Jones Industrial Average is Apple ($AAPL). It just continues […]

Deusche Bank says buy $GE – What will stop this stock market?

| January 14, 2020

The stock market continues to rally on positive news: low inflation, cheap money, increasing wages, low unemployment and even good news on trade with China. If there was ever a time to use the “hitting on all cylinders” idiom, this would be it … but when things are looking this good … everybody gets a […]

Will General Electric $GE gain favor from investors in 2020?

| January 3, 2020

As far as one of my biggest investing mistakes goes — buying General Electric ($GE) “after their initial collapse in 2017” – I am hoping this next year “might” be a year of true recovery (pre-posting over lunch on Thursday January 2, 2020)? Of course that is yet to be, but 2019 was at least […]

Nobody likes investing when there is blood in the stock market?

| August 5, 2019

Monday, August 5th, 2019 was not a good day to be long in the stock markets – WSJ update.  I think we are often too complacent with investing and fall victim to the “stay the course” and invest for long run mentality. It is easy to forget just how painful market drops can be.  Economist […]

A good economy, but we are dealing with other political issues

| May 22, 2019

Yes … the U..S economy is in good shape … but if you are an investor, these last few weeks may not have felt like the stock market is responding as it should in a good economy? Enter trade with China … well primarily China. Yet there is also unrest in the Middle East with […]

Investing during the first quarter 2019 has been rewarding

| May 1, 2019

Those of us invested or following the stock market either with individual stocks, mutual funds or ETF index funds have to be pleased with the rebound in the economy since December 2018. The first quarter has rewarded those who remained invested (so as long as they have been diversified) for the long haul. Even with […]

A question from a novice investor planning for retirement

| March 17, 2019

Years ago I thought I could outsmart the market … and in the 1990s when the tide was lifting all boats, I could … but that was before algorithms and computerized trading. I’ve since learned not to continue that dangerous “day-trading game,” at least for the most part. Still, new investors see a “system” working […]

How does a rock solid dividend stock sound about now? $RPM

| January 2, 2019

Are you looking at top quality dividend stocks? RPM International is a buy and hold stock that has a track record of increasing cash dividends to shareholders that can’t be match by many companies. Today it was down 1.87% to $57.68/share and is starting to look attractive again (at some point I’ve got to believe […]

Tech Friday: Facebook stock drop demonstrates investing risk

| July 27, 2018

If you have any vested interest in the stock market, Thursday’s huge drop for social networking’s behemoth Facebook ($FB), demonstrated what go up, can come down … and can come down fast! The "biggest ever one-day loss in market value for a U.S. listed company" happened yesterday and saw investors in $FB (or any pension […]

How to best give investing advice to family and friends – DON’T!

| July 19, 2018

One of the topics of conversation for me throughout the years has been investing and trading. I enjoy the research and challenge, but having made many bad picks and mistakes, also realized just how dicey this is. This has made me sensitive when talking too specific with family and friends … even though I enjoy […]

Predicting the end of the bull market and how to prepare

| July 8, 2018

As the current bull stock market gets long in the tooth (average is 7 years, we’re now closing in on 9 years), financial analysts are beginning to write regularly about preparing for the next slowdown. Few are declaring it over at this moment, but most advise prudence as it comes to what investments are being […]

It has been a tough week for those invested in the stock market

| June 21, 2018

After 8 down days for the Dow, the beginning of summer has not been kind to investors hoping 2018 would be a bit more positive. With unemployment at near all time lows, corporate tax cuts, the economy rebounding and promising better wages … and even talks with North Korea going well, one would think optimism […]

Tariff fears ease and buying on Wall Street resumes

| March 5, 2018

After President Trump’s bombshell about placing tariffs on US imported steel and aluminum last week (although he did suggest it during his campaign for president), comments made later made it sound like cooler heads may prevail — that … and the fact that many of President Trump’s advisors remained quiet or gingerly disagree. Speaker Paul […]

A book on Value Investing and the #TwitterLockout

| February 23, 2018

New "old" reading this week as I picked up "The Little Book of Value Investing" by Christopher H. Browne. The information is something I should know more thoroughly than I do and the reading is relatively easy as value investing is a time tested concept proven over the years by investor gurus like Benjamin Graham […]

Turning around General Electric $GE and trade tariffs

| January 24, 2018

As GE stock continues getting battered (although a 4.48% bounce back today), quite a few investors have been waiting for the bad news to end and new management direction to bring this huge ship back on course. (I’ve been buying, and selling) It is likely be too soon to expect things to change, but General […]

Closing in on a GOP Tax Plan vote – all signs point to Tuesday

| December 18, 2017

While waiting for the predicted Tuesday vote on the GOP Tax Plan that has been anticipated ALL year, it is looking like it might actually get done in 2017. It has not been easy or as simple as many of us wanted “Tax Reform,” but the corporate tax cut will make the U.S. more competitive […]

The rise of Bitcoin – Just call it Tulip Mania or Speculative Fever

| November 30, 2017

As someone who had an early interest in cryptocurrency as a replacement for product and services exchange, the recent rise of Bitcoin is nothing more than frightening. Supply and demand obviously has traders of this public ledger block chain protected transaction “currency” excited and like all manias, is concerning since eventually trading profits will be […]

Upside vs downside in owning GE stock after a steep decline

| November 15, 2017

I occasionally receive emails or comments from friends and acquaintances who know I watch financial markets asking me to share my thoughts on investing. They really want stock "recommendations," but almost always refuse to give advice when it comes to picking and choosing individual companies. For the record, there is always financial risk and the […]

A restaurant stock with OUR figure skating twist $BWLD

| November 14, 2017

Always interesting when personal stories intersect with financial stories. Roark Capital has made an offer to buy Buffalo Wild Wing Roark Capital has made an offer to buy Buffalo Wild Wings, a source familiar with the matter told CNBC. Roark made an offer of more than $150 per share, the person told CNBC. Shares surged […]

A new spreadsheet for dividend investment tracking

| November 12, 2017

It has been a challenging year to get my old spreadsheets to update property after changes in sources for the dividend tracking financial data. Since the 1990s I’ve used Yahoo as a data source to use with Excel or Google Sheets and for the most part they have been satisfactory. After changes at Yahoo in […]

Tech, tech, tech – Nasdaq stocks rocked on Friday

| October 28, 2017

A rocking bunch of positive earning from tech companies push companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Netflix, Microsoft, Intel and even Twitter higher. Although some financial analysts are recycling the “irrational exuberance” term, the excellent quarterly financial numbers are actually a reason for a positive attitude. I’m still nervous as to all the unknown surprises […]

Which corporations stand to benefit the most with a 20% tax rate?

| October 4, 2017

A little bit of research highlights which of the Dow 30 companies benefit from corporate tax reform and which one are currently better at working the existing complex tax code. Company Ticker Median effective income-tax rate – past five reported quarters UnitedHealth Group Inc. US:UNH 40% Home Depot Inc. US:HD 36% Verizon Communications Inc. US:VZ […]

Stock trades and boat woes – some plans work out, others do not

| August 31, 2017

As the title and Robert Burns suggest, "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry." Here are a couple Thursday lunchtime updates. On the upside, the Ford ($F) trades from a week ago continue to pan out and I exited half of my position on Thursday morning to book profits (for those […]

The Ford $F stock trade is working again

| August 19, 2017

Although the news of late on the political front has been challenging (Trump Admin, Barcelona, Charlottesville, North Korea) the savvy investor/trader can use these moments to put the "risk capital" part of their portfolio to good use. Most who trade have plenty of horror stories where their trades have gone terribly wrong, but usually the […]

Investors are getting nervous over face-off with North Korea

| August 10, 2017

With the tension rising between the U.S. and North Korea over nuclear weapons, the broad financial markets headed lower today for the first time in a while (or so it seemed). The often cited DJIA closed down 204.69 or about 1% while the Nasdaq doubled that move at 2% down. Even though the tone was […]

The new CFO of Twitter – what do we know?

| July 12, 2017

From a shareholder perspective we know investors seem to like Ned Segal – share price is up significantly after the announcement. From a Twitter USER perspective, we don’t even know him – Segal isn’t active on Twitter. Twitter Inc (NYSE: TWTR) confirmed Tuesday the appointment of Ned Segal as the company’s next chief financial officer. […]

The Quants Run Wall Street Now – @WSJ

| May 21, 2017

LINK to WSJ article

Looking for a beaten up stock? Look at FireEye – $FEYE

| April 27, 2017

Once a cloud-computing software security darling, FireEye has taken it on the chin and then some. Concerns still abound, but from most accounts, a bottom in stock price may have been found. It is particularly encouraging that Goldman’s Gabriela Borges, a software security analyst, has issued a “buy” recommendation and believes the stock will rally 18% […]

Tired of the financial markets making new record highs?

| February 21, 2017

Once again the US Financial market rose to new record highs on Tuesday as the Trump rally continues to encourage investment and hope for earning, regulation reductions and tax relief. Likely those three biggies will either get done and satisfy investors or disappoint with a delay and trigger a sell-off. Who knows if congress can […]

Apple is sitting pretty again after reporting earnings

| February 1, 2017

After the stock market closed yesterday, Apple $AAPL reported their fiscal first quarter earning and shocked even the most bullish in the crowd. Their iPhone 7 sales help them deliver record earning, no doubt due to Samsung’s battery issues (Android users switching to Apple iOS). Considering Apple make a lot more than phones, it is […]

How much longer will the Trump Rally last?

| December 5, 2016

The exuberance is everyway if you listen to the talking heads on cable business news shows as all but "one" component of Pres-Elect Donald Trump’s platform is good for business, jobs and the economy. Unfortunately it is the component that the media and Twittersphere is currently focused on … a 35% tariff on U.S. companies […] rumored to be expressing interest in Twitter

| September 23, 2016

While Twitter shareholders seemed to like the rumor of showing interest in $TWTR, those holding shares of $CRM are not quite as enthused. This has happened before so we’ll see if there is any real substance … OR if others might be interested? Google??? Inc. is considering a takeover of Twitter Inc., according […]

iPhone7 preorders are strong for $AAPL at Sprint and T-Mobile

| September 13, 2016

T-Mobile US  said on Tuesday that pre-orders for Apple’s  iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus broke the company’s record and Sprint (S) said they were almost four times greater than last year. Pre-sales of the phone, which started on Friday, were up fourfold from the next most popular iPhone and set a single-day sales record […]

Again, $TWTR is great for traders, not so much for investors

| August 18, 2016

If I were a bit more savvy and listened to my own advice, I would have traded Twitter ($TWTR) for a few dollars this week. On a downgrade to a SELL by Evercore ISI analyst Ken Sena, shareholders listened and poured their sell orders onto the exchanges after seeing shares climb the last few days […]

Twitter investors and stock traders see different things $TWTR

| August 11, 2016

Get hammered, bounce back. After promising news of more live event streaming, and peppering in a few buyout rumors, $TWTR could really be off to the races (again). It’s a chart only a "trader" can love … since investors question Twitter‘s business model and management. A chart for the summer of 2016 tells the tale. […]

Buy Apple (AAPL) and hold it for the long haul

| April 29, 2016

It has been a rough couple of days for Apple ($AAPL) shareholders as growth this past quarter was elusive. Most blame the global economy, and in particular China, for the weak quarterly numbers. It does remind me of late 2012 and 2013 when analysts questioned whether management had lost their way. The same is happening […]

Elio Motors shares launch on OTCQX

| February 20, 2016

Time to keep an eye on this small company … really hoping it can keep promises and start producing a $6800 three wheeled car without too many hiccups. Shares will be traded on the OTCQX under the ticker ELIO according to a press release.   PHOENIX, Feb. 19, 2016 – Elio Motors, Inc. (OTCQX: ELIO), […]

Not a promising 2016 start for investors

| January 8, 2016

January 2016 has not given investors an optimistic start as stocks sold off for another day on Thursday. The slide gives the Dow its worst start to begin a year since the 30-stock index was created in 1928. Fingers are pointing to economic woes and government financial manipulation in China as well as world oil […]

As the market slides, one wonders if the Fed can change rates?

| November 13, 2015

It has been a rough day … week … for the financial markets. One has to wonder if the Fed will ever be able to move lending rates back to traditional levels? Sure doesn’t look like the economy here or abroad is able to support itself without the easy money policies. (charts and heatmap:

Confused over direction: Both for Twitter and $TWTR stock

| October 29, 2015

Now that the popular social networking company Twitter has a “rudder,” Jack Dorsey, CEO, one would think confidence  would be higher? That is difficult to tell when reading and monitoring those who are paid to research, have deeper insight and advise investors (graphic on right). The consensus is wildly split, both on the direction of […]

A lack of foreign policy experience and a portrait of weakness

| October 1, 2015

The world around us is degrading into chaos as Russian “tough guy” President Vladimir Putin sent his militarily into the middle east and has quickly backed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against the supposedly the terrorist group ISIL/ISIS who is aggressively building their Caliphate and the American backed pro-western rebels (well, maybe … but who really […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog