Archive: Remembering good times with my friend Jeff #TBT
Posted By RichC on August 6, 2020
My friend Jeff has been part of my life since college and knows WAY too much about me … both good (which he conveniently forgets) and bad (which he’s remembers all too well). We’ve always have great times together, be it in Founders Hall dorm at ONU back in college or the many years after college on hiking trips … or nowadays when just grabbing coffee or lunch. Just last week he asked, “How about a photography trip to Headlands International Dark Sky Park in northern Michigan?”
Last month while he was clearing out his desk, in order to switching to a “no-drawers” stand up desk at home and sent me a “remember this” photo. Yes … I unfortunately do and will archive it for Throwback Thursday #TBT.
I would like to have said this was before I took on the responsibility of being a dad and thought about setting a better example for my kids, but I think this was after kids. Ugh! About the only thing I could point out to him was that I at least had a climbing rope around my waist … to which he replied, “and who’s idea was that?” –> Jeff’s of course. (FYI … he didn’t always act responsibly).