Obit: Self-reliant cruising sailor and author Don Casey

Posted By on March 11, 2025

Don Casey

Although it isn’t a surprise to see those who I’ve drawn inspiration from when it come to boats, sailing and the cruising lifestyle, another writer and book author has passed away (January 2025). Don Casey has been an icon in teaching boat owners and sailors for years and his writing have been most appreciated and treasured on my bookshelf. 

He believed that sailors should be capable of maintaining and repairing their boats, not just to save money but to foster a deeper connection with their vessels and the sea.

Don and Olga spent over four decades cruising on “Richard Cory,” a 30-foot Seawind ketch named after a poem by Edwin Arlington Robinson. The boat became their home as they explored the Bahamas, the Eastern Caribbean and beyond. 

Sailrite posted a great write-up on their blog (snipnet above) and I saved a PDF version just in case the link disappears. For now, we are another wise voice short when it comes to excellent boat maintenance and cruising advice. I’ll continue to treasure his books.

Don Casey is a well-known marine author who has written extensively on sailboat maintenance and repair. He is the author of numerous books, including “Don Casey’s Complete Illustrated Sailboat Maintenance Manual,” which combines six core volumes into a single, dependable resource that answers frequent questions and explains major systems to help keep boats in good condition.

Casey’s books are known for their clear and detailed illustrations and user-friendly explanations. Casey’s first book, “Sensible Cruising: The Thoreau Approach,” was a bestseller and has inspired many to pursue their cruising dreams. He has also authored “This Old Boat,” a guide that has helped thousands of sailors refurbish older fiberglass boats. Other notable works include “Sailboat Refinishing,” “Sailboat Hull and Deck Repair,” “Canvaswork & Sail Repair,” and “Inspecting the Aging Sailboat”.

Don Casey has been credited with opening his eyes to the world of cruising through the around-the-world voyage of Robin Lee Graham, featured in National Geographic in the late 1960s. After graduating from the University of Texas, he moved to south Florida, where he spent most of his leisure time on boats. In 1983, he left his career in banking to focus on cruising and writing.

His work has appeared in many popular sailing and boating magazines, and he has contributed to and Casey’s books cover a wide range of topics, from electrical systems to diesel engines and sail repair, making them valuable resources for both novice and experienced sailors.

  • Don Casey’s Complete Illustrated Sailboat Maintenance Manual: Combines six core volumes into a single resource, providing clear guidance on maintaining sailboats.
  • Sensible Cruising: The Thoreau Approach: A bestseller that encourages sailors to pursue their cruising dreams without waiting for the “perfect” boat.
  • This Old Boat: Guides readers through the process of turning a rundown production boat into a first-class yacht.
  • Sailboat Refinishing: Provides detailed instructions on how to refinish sailboats.
  • Sailboat Hull and Deck Repair: Explains how to repair the hull and deck of sailboats.
  • Canvaswork & Sail Repair: Offers guidance on repairing canvaswork and sails.
  • Inspecting the Aging Sailboat: Helps readers recognize and address problems in older sailboats.



Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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