The VW Jetta TDI or the popular Toyota Prius
Posted By RichC on March 2, 2009
In my circle of diesel loving friends I have rarely heard that people have difficulty in deciding between the well equipped 2009 Volkswagen Jetta TDI or 2009 Toyota Prius, but that isn’t always the case for those listening to all the media hype praising hybrid cars. In case you are one of the few looking to buy a new car (hmm?), do yourself a favor and drive a new ‘clean diesel’ vehicle before believing your only options are traditional gas powered cars or hybrids. has an interesting video comparison between the 2009 VW Jetta TDI and Toyota Prius and is well worth seeing. My advice is that if you want to ‘go green’or just squeeze a few more miles out of a gallon of fuel, give the new clean diesel vehicles a good look and drive — it will be time well spent. BTW, the Volkswagen TDI Cup racing series will be running biodiesel for the entire 2009 season! (CinciTDI link)
(I’m using this post to test embed a higher quality YouTube video clip — notes below)
How-To hint:
I’ve posted previously on how to add the “&fmt=18” code behind the YouTube URL in the address bar, but unfortunately that will not work when embedding a video to a blog post. But, there is a way to add and append &ap=%2526fmt%3D18 to the end of video clip’s URL specified in “param value” and “embed src” offer by YouTube’s embed feature. It seems to work well and definitely improves the quality of content used in posts.
I also like changing the normal 425 px wide default embed size to a 480 or 485 px in order to go full column wide. Remember that the “normal” lower quality YouTube video comes from a 320 px wide original clip and is “blown up to a” 480px embed which certainly doesn’t enhance the image quality. By sing the HQ clip code you’l already be using the 480 px wide version of the video and so why would you want to embed it at anything smaller than 480 px? Give it a try.