RichC | December 10, 2021
The surprise increase in blog traffic corresponded to my taking a few more security measures such as locking down more of the personal content to only logged in readers … but I’m not sure that had anything to do with increasing earnings? Still, I noticed upward change (more than doubling) of Google Adsense earnings and […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, Financial, Marketing, Personal, Technology |
Tags: adsense, advertising, bitcoin, blog, cryptocurrency, fonzi, google, hodl, hodling, taxes, tech friday, techfriday, traffic, web
RichC | June 12, 2020
Regular readers have likely noticed a few “hopefully” discrete ads running on My Desultory Blog. It is a way for me to experiment with ways to help my customers choose or forgo the use advertising services like Google Ads on their sites. For the most part it has been relatively painless (although nothing to retire […]
Category: Blogs, Financial, Personal, Photography, Photos, Technology |
Tags: 1970, adsense, big tech, deepfakes, google, kent state, life magazine, manipulation, mydesultoryblog, photo, photojournalism, photoshopped, riot, tech friday, techfriday, violation
RichC | May 21, 2017
For those of you who are regular visitors to MyDesultoryBlog and are not running an ad blocker plugin on your browser, you may have noticed a small snippet of new ad content in the sidebar. Last month, GoogleAdsense offered an upgrade to this blog’s minimal advertising experiment. The new ad content promotes “matched” internal content from similar previous posts […]
Category: Blogs, Marketing, Technology |
Tags: adsense, blog, google, Marketing, matched content, mydesultoryblog
RichC | January 22, 2014
This past weekend was “blog cleanup” as I am in the process of optimizing WordPress on my site and updating the plugin that manages Google’s Adsense — at one time I thought they were non-intrusive, but recently have become obnoxious. Unfortunately after tweaking the size and types of ads they seem even worse that before. […]
Category: Blogs, Marketing |
Tags: adsense, advertising, blog, google, online
RichC | May 25, 2011
After 6 years and over 2600 posts to My Desultory Blog, I’ve finally decided to use a few dollars from my Google’s Adsense earnings (small as it is) to register the domain name For the time being I’ll still post under my originally (and probably will continue); this site was intended to […]
Category: Blogs, Personal |
Tags: adsense, blog, desultory, domain, wordpress