RichC | February 19, 2016
It is fun finding out about cameo appearances in movies and TV programs … as I mentioned the other day with singer/songwriter Jimmy Buffett. Another cameo tidbit popped up after this week’s popular The Big Bang Theory sitcom. According to the commentary on FoxBusiness, the previous Fed chair Ben Bernanke and his wife are big enough […]
Category: Books, Entertainment, Tidbits, Video-TV |
Tags: bernanke, cameo, comedy, reagan, sitcom, TBBT, television
RichC | October 25, 2013
As a student of economics, a business manager and as a hesitant investor, I’m concern about what is going to happen when the Federal Reserve finally pulls the stimulus intravenous therapy? It is likely that Fed Chairman Bernanke is worried about weaning the stimulus too, by the fact he hasn’t started to taper. It is […]
Category: Financial, Politics |
Tags: bernanke, Business, economy, fed, finance, investing, obamacare, stimulus, stocks
RichC | October 4, 2011
This content is restricted.
Category: Audio, Financial, Music, Politics |
Tags: bernanke, economy, finance, mp3, Politics
RichC | June 22, 2011
It should come as no surprise, but after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke delivered his remarks on Wednesday saying the U.S. economy was recovering more slowly than expected, Wall Street had little interest in continuing to move indices positive. More than likely the fact that the Fed saw no reason to tighten money supply in […]
Category: Financial, News, Politics |
Tags: bernanke, economy, federal reserve
RichC | June 10, 2010
After forwarding an “opinion article” (PDF) by supply-side economist Arthur Laffer from the WSJ to friends yesterday, I snipped some audio (mp3) from him in an interview today with Neil Cavuto after Fed chief Ben Bernanke offered his thoughts on the U.S. economy.
Category: Audio, Financial, News, Politics |
Tags: bernanke, economy, laffer