RichC | December 24, 2011
Almost all companies have customer service issues and what separates the successful from the not-so-successful is how they are able to recover with the least amount of pain. One example this year is Best Buy who in the past was one of my least favorite retailers. During their pre-Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday store […]
Category: Business, Holiday |
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Tags: best buy, christmas, Holiday, pr, public relations, Shopping
RichC | May 20, 2009
Now that we all know that the Palm Pre will be available for consumers on June 6th, where is the best place to buy it? One would think that heading to the Pre’s exclusive carrier Sprint, but you might be wrong. According to an Engadget post, Best Buy intends to sell the long awaited smartphone […]
Category: Cellphone, Shopping |
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Tags: best buy