RichC | October 15, 2024
Ever since I was a kid in elementary school and heard about John F. Kennedy’s World War 2 story and then read Robert Donovan‘s book “PT-109: John F. Kennedy in WW II” and movie “PT-109,” I’ve admired what innovated boatbuilders could do with plywood (besides utility trailer sides, I had a plywood dingy when I […]
Category: Books, History, Human Interest, Innovation, Millitary, Movies |
Tags: andrew higgins, boatbuilding, boats, Dwight D. Eisenhower, john f kennedy, plywood, pt-109, robert donovan, war, ww2
RichC | March 16, 2019
There are times when trying to hold or clamp irregularly shaped pieces can be difficult. Usually I resort to using my Jorgensen Handscrew clamps, but obviously with a little “old school” ingenuity, there are simpler ways! The photo above is one of those woodworking tidbit where a picture is worth a thousand words. For more […]
Category: Photos, Tidbits, Woodworking |
Tags: boatbuilding, harry bryan, ideas, idioms, old school, tips, tricks, woodworking
RichC | January 20, 2012
Could help but sharing this pretty interesting (long) video illustrating traditional Birch bark canoe building … who knew so much went into building these boats.
Category: Archive, How-To, Misc, Sailing, Video |
Tags: boatbuilding, canoe