RichC | April 14, 2016
Although Fatty Goodlander’s book "Creative Anchoring: Everything About Anchors and Anchoring" is a more in-depth guide to anchoring your small boat, a 2014 article by the same author is shorter and very good advice. I’ve read it before, but it is worth archiving on my personal blog just in case the link disappears. Anchoring […]
Category: Archive, Sailing |
Tags: anchor, anchoring, archive, fatty, fatty goodlander, goodlander, sailboat
RichC | December 14, 2009
With the republishing of a Christmas article on Facebook from sailing author Gary “Fatty” Goodlander, I’ve been re-thinking my vow to avoid this social networking site. Facebook being my kids preferred peer-to-peer (no geek humor intended) communications medium, I’ve avoided it not wanted to look like a ‘helicopter parent. So far, its not been all […]
Category: Audio, Books, Humor, Sailing |
Tags: cruising, facebook, fatty, fatty goodlander, friends, goodlander, sailng