RichC | October 7, 2017
A friend of mine is receiving his first social security check this month and so I’ve been doing some reading on the subject (it is a long way off yet for me … just in case readers had me already over-the-hill!) One of the biggest concerns for those nearing retirement and doing calculations is that […]
Category: Financial, Health, Movies, Politics, Video |
Tags: fica, funding, generations, retirement, social security, soylent green, taxes
RichC | March 12, 2015
In discussing FICA taxes the other day, I discovered just how much I didn’t know about one of the biggest taxes we pay throughout our entire working lives. I’m guessing most Americans are in my shoes? Now “let me be clear,” as President Obama has been known to say, I’m NOT “that” close to retirement […]
Category: Advice, Books, Financial |
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Tags: advice, benefits, book, ebook, fica, finance, social security