Try again: “Red Nile: A Biography of the World’s Greatest River”

| August 21, 2024

After spring gave way to summer, I put down a hardback book I started called “Red Nile — A Biography of the World’s Greatest River” by Robert Twigger, but after seeing this photo of a 22 feet, 2500 pound Crocodile in Niger, Africa, decided I wanted to pick it up again (it sits next to […]

Books: “The Wide Wide Sea” by Hampton Sides

| June 18, 2024

Wouldn’t you know, the book I’ve had on hold at the library became available last week … and our granddaughters are with us this week. Obviously there will be no time to read. I did look through it and enjoyed the maps and read a little bit more about the controversy surrounding Captain James Cook […]

Audiobook: “The Hundred Year Marathon” by Michael Pillsbury

| February 7, 2024

Started a “new to me” audiobook by Michael Pillsbury titled “The Hundred Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy To Replace America As The Global Superpower.” His experience and expertise on China is pretty much unmatched so what he shares offers an intense look at understanding the Chinese longterm philosophy and strategy. The possibility … or perhaps […]

A Right-of-Center Take on Jason Chaffetz’s “The Puppeteers” – Exposing Hidden Hands in American Politics

| January 18, 2024

As a right-of-center political person, Jason Chaffetz‘s “The Puppeteers” struck a a chord with me. His exposé of the unelected forces shaping American politics confirmed many suspicions and shed light on shadowy corners that aren’t always clear to the casual political observer. Whether you agree with every conclusion, the book sparks vital questions about who […]

Books: “Profiles In Courage” by John F. Kennedy

| December 3, 2023

On the recommendation of General Keith Kellogg this past week, I check out the late Senator and President John F. Kennedy book from the library. It was written in 1956 called “Profiles In Courage.” Having grown up with a larger than life version of President Kennedy, I started reading immediately (also, the book “John F. […]

Books: Pacific Thunder (audiobook) and standing in line to vote

| November 8, 2023

On Tuesday, November 7th, 2023, I actually stood in line for 20- 30 minutes at the polls in order to vote in an off-year election! It wasn’t a big deal, but I wasn’t expecting a line considering I met my son for brunch after his doctor’s appointment and timed it purposely to not be at […]

A “feel good” story from Clint Edwards’ book “Fatherish”

| October 1, 2023

Make America Great Again, one parent at a time (not political). Here’s slightly different take on MAGA with an uplifting lesson and message for fathers; pay attention to your role in your family.  When I asked my 11-year-old son to help me unload dirt from our small pickup into his mother’s new garden boxes, his reaction […]

Books: “Decades of Decadence” by Marco Rubio (2023)

| June 14, 2023

I needed another book to read like a hole in my head as the idiom goes, but since the newly released book by Marco Rubio called “Decades of Decadence” hit the bookstore today, I figured that I would “get on the list” at my local library. Lo and behold it was available on Hoopla as an […]

Books: Started my birthday book as a Sunday devotional read

| June 6, 2023

The above subject line of this post needs to be clarified a bit as I “only started” to read my birthday present book on Sunday … but it will be excellent. The new birthday gift book, “God’s Bible Timeline: The Big Book of Biblical History” from Katelyn, Drew and family should be an enjoyable one […]

Books: “The Courage to Be Free” (2023) – Ron DeSantis

| May 10, 2023

My library borrowing and Kindle game caught up with me this week as the book I borrowed, “Metathreats,”  (and was in the middle of reading) expired … but because I have been keeping my Kindle in “Airplane Mode,” I continued reading. Generally I can’t finish a book without renewing so will often put my Kindle […]

Books: “Three Days In January: Dwight Eisenhower’s final mission” by Bret Baier

| March 29, 2023

My daily routine, at least when I’m in town, is to DVR the evening news, “Special Report” at 6PM. I generally watch it and skip the commercials while eating … when it is permitted by Brenda. HA! The daily new wrap-up is probably not edifying since it includes a good dose of disfunctional national politics […]

Reading list and current Max Hastings Vietnam history book

| February 11, 2023

The WSJ reading list caught my eye this week … most likely due to "The Ship Beneath The Ice" book talking more about the story of Ernest Shackleton’s 1914 expedition to the Antarctic. I’ll be watching for it as a library ebook, but probably after I finished my current history read, "Vietnam:  An Epic Tragedy […]

Amazon book order delay and leftover snow mailbox photo

| December 6, 2022

No … we don’t have snow in Cincinnati just yet, but the snowbelt areas of western New York sure got their share in November. I’ll include a leftover Twitter photo from the Buffalo NY area that is sure to make someone smile (very creative snowman or mailbox)? On the Amazon rant subject, I ordered an  […]

Tech Friday: New Apple Credit Card and library to Kindle books

| November 4, 2022

Posting this late on Thursday night after watching the Houston Astros win game 5 of the 2022 World Series against the Philadelphia Phillies making the series 3 games to 2; it has been an enjoyable five games so far … especially since I really am not invested in either team. As for the Tech Friday […]

Books: “The Dying Citizen” by Victor Davis Hanson

| July 3, 2022

With a little travel and vacation time coming up, I went into my “want to read” list and downloaded “The Dying Citizen” from the local library to my Kindle. The 2021 book is a longer read (433 pages) from Victor Davis Hanson, a professor and military historian seen regularly on Fox News and Fox Business. […]

Books: “Rightful Heritage: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Land of America” by Douglas Brinkley

| June 14, 2022

Although I once enjoyed reading biographical and history oriented books by Douglas Brinkley, as well as enjoyed interviews with him on TV, I’ve recently noticed a bit more political partisanship in his commentary and his appearances. To be fair, I wanted to give his writings another shot and try to remain open-minded. The book “Rightful […]

Birthday Book: “The Old Man and The Boy” by Robert Ruark

| May 24, 2022

My buddy Jeff Pitts is my go-to source for interesting books to read. For my birthday this year (we had lunch last Friday … a Mexican restaurant, of course), he gave me an older 1950’s era book by Robert Ruark called “The Old Man and The Boy.” I passed on reading my other books and […]

Books: “The House of Yan” by Lan Yan and personal tidbits

| May 5, 2022

Although I don’t know all that much more than what I read about China, the culture and history intrigues me. After moving to Sidney, Ohio in high school, I felt like a fish out of water since most kids grew up in town and had gone to school with each other their entire life. When […]

Books: “The Digital Silk Road” by Jonathan E. Hillman

| March 10, 2022

It looks as if the next book on my reading list will be Jonathan E. Hillman’s “The Digital Silk Road: China’s Quest to Wire the World and Win the Future.” It was release last October (2021) and after reading a review (and WSJ recommendation), I decided to download the digital e-book. I’m not an expert […]

Books: “Wealth, War and Wisdom” by Barton Biggs (2009) and a little “How Long will the Santa Mouse Decor Remain” humor

| February 13, 2022

We’ve never been all that timely in getting Christmas decorations put away after the holidays, but this year we … and by “we” I mean Brenda … has been slower than usual. To be fair, most everything has been packed and put away, but there are a few stragglers still around our house. I’m not […]

Another Mexican dinner with my friend Jeff and some humor

| February 9, 2022

Last week I had dinner with my buddy Jeff after taking him to pick up his car from a seat repair/re-upholstering job. He previously planned it so we could go to our “old” favorite Acapulco Mexican Restaurant (which is no longer tolerated as well in my digestive track as it was 20 years ago). He […]

Books: The President and the Freedom Fighter: Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and Their Battle to Save America’s Soul

| December 29, 2021

This book is on my 2022 “want to read” list and I’m unsure if I’ll opt for the audio version, ebook or paper edition (Amazon options)? While listening to the Brian Kilmeade (the books author) talking about the “battle to save America’s soul” on a Fox News program, it has become apparent that those setting the […]

Thinking of Pearl Harbor by finishing a Battle of Midway book

| December 7, 2021

As we remember the day that the Empire of Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and try to “never forget” our ill-preparedness “date that will live in infamy” on December 7, 1941, I’ll finally finish the hefty book “Shattered Sword” by Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully. (it’s a 1139 pages!)  The “untold story of the Battle of Midway” […]

Rickie Lee Jones: Her book “Chronicles of an American Troubadour” plus “Chuck E’s in Love” music from 1979

| December 6, 2021

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Books: Joe Scarborough’s “Saving Freedom” about “strange little man” called Harry Truman

| November 16, 2021

The author Joe Scarborough is not one of my favorite TV commentators … although I did like him as a politician back in the 1990s. In 2020 he wrote (and narrated) a book published by Harper Collins called “Saving Freedom.” I’ve been contemplating it and since the digital is on my Glose reader app, thought […]

Book: “Arriving Today” by Christopher Mims (a WSJ+ selection)

| October 8, 2021

Although my interest in productivity in running a business has waned a bit now that I’m no longer aggressively working or growing a small business, I still have curiosity when it comes to the direction things are going. I’ve read Christopher Mims “tech writing” for a few years now as he contributes regularly to the […]

Books: Katherine Johnson – My Remarkable Journey: A Memoir

| September 19, 2021

One of the more inspiring movies in the last decade or so was that based on the career of Katherine Johnson called “Hidden Figures” in 2016. It was compelling enough and about NASA and the Apollo space program that when I spotted the book “My Remarkable Journey: A Memoir” by Katherine Johnson, Joylette Hylick and […]

Local banking issues, blockchain technology and the interesting book: Crypto Asset Investing in the Age of Autonomy

| August 15, 2021

For decades now I’ve had a fairly positive relationship with both business (CPP) and personal banking … and particularly with local banks. I grumbled the 1990s when multiple bank mergers forced out the manager I worked with in NE Ohio. He knew me by name and often pulled me aside to see if there was anything […]

Books (audio): In “Search of a Kingdom” by Laurance Bergreen

| July 28, 2021

Perhaps it is my aging eyes, just worn out in the evening … or just too many distractions when the TV is on … but my book reading has slowed a bit. Of the several books sitting next to my chair, on my Kindle or iPad, most have been started, but sit unfinished.  So this […]

Book: Operation Pedestal – The Fleet That Battled to Malta, 1942

| July 14, 2021

Progress has been slow in my latest nightly book reading, in part due to being wiped-out by full days with our granddaughters last week and more recently watching a few episodes each night of an old 1965-1971 sitcom called Hogan’s Heroes (mention once before). So for a update on reading Operation Pedestal by Max Hastings, “I […]

Books: “Beyond”by Stephen Walker about Yuri Gagarin

| July 7, 2021

One of the segments from the Wall Street Journal that I especially enjoy are the book reviews … or the “bookshelf.” I’m always intrigued by the history selections and the review on Stephen Walker’s book “Beyond” was no exception. It so happened that it is also a WSJ+ “free book club read” for the month […]

Books: Brave By Faith by Alistair Begg

| June 13, 2021

The current pile of books to read is too high for my nighttime side table;  I think I need to move a few to my office … or better yet, finish reading them! Since Alistair Begg is a favorite teaching pastor of ours (Parkside Church was our home church when we lived in NE Ohio), […]

Mexican lunches, salsa, discussions, reading and a good friend

| June 6, 2021

For years now … no, it is now decades … my buddy Jeff and I have gone out for lunch ever other week and almost exclusively to a Mexican restaurant … primarily for the chips and salsa (and relaxed conversation). Before that, we lived in different cities (he in Florida and then Alabama … and […]

Audio book from WSJ+: “All Against All” by Paul Jankowski

| May 22, 2021

Audiobooks and eBooks are some of the perks that come with being a long time Wall Street Journal subscriber. This WSJ+ membership includes early pre-production copies and likely word-of-mouth publicity marketing associated with giving away free “controlled” copies of books. I say controlled because readers do not really own the books, but are granted the […]

Book: “The Cost” by Maria Bartiromo and James Freeman

| May 16, 2021

When it comes to reading, I once again have started more books than I can finish. It started with our “rest and relaxation” vacation where I wanted to be sure to have a “paper book” to read on the beach and while relaxing at the condo … but I still haven’t finished “A Random Walk […]

What do MMT economists theorize? “The Deficit Myth” #book

| May 8, 2021

A few times before I’ve thought, and blogged about MMT or Modern Monetary Theory, when it comes to newfangled economics. Personally, I (nor many economists) can accept the thinking or rationalize the large deficits and debt path our country is on. In order to better understand the mind-set, I decided to read Stephanie Kelton’s book […]

Most parents and grandparents have room for improvement

| October 11, 2020

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Book: “Fortitude” by Dan Crenshaw (thanks, Taylor)

| May 16, 2020

I commented to Brenda, “We must have done something right?” It was both a statement .. and a half question .. when reflecting on the book our son Taylor read, liked and then bought to give me for my birthday. It was definitely a very thoughtful and appreciated gift. Representative Dan Crenshaw’s book Fortitude slightly […]

Music Monday: Ballad of the Green Berets for Veterans Day

| November 11, 2019

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Book: Moondust – In Search of the Men Who Fell to the Earth

| July 14, 2019

As we approach the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 landing on the moon in 1969, I’ve been enjoying both television anniversary shows, articles and the book Moondust – In Search of the Men Who Fell to the Earth. The Andrew Smith book, in particular, has been enjoyable as it blends events from the author’s memory […]

Ohio gas taxes and a book by Kristin Tate – How Do I Tax Thee?

| March 7, 2019

I do miss browsing in bookstores … something our family would regularly do Sunday after church … and something my daughter and I would do “in the good ol’ days” when I would visit her in college. I suppose there are still a few bookstores around to enjoy, but nowadays I read what is recommended […]

Books: The Great Revolt – Salena Zito and Brad Todd

| August 26, 2018

I may have pick up my favorite political book of the year with Salena Zito and Brad Todd’s "The Great Revolt: Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics." It analyzes the unusual rise of once "long shot" billionaire reality-tv GOP candidate Donald Trump who defeated 17 other Republican "politicians" and chipped off enough disgruntled Independent […]

Tinkerbelle – An inspirational book and story when I was a boy

| August 6, 2018

I was reminded in a tweet last week (below) of an inspirational book and story I read as a young boy growing up in Ohio. The book and story was that of the transatlantic voyage of Tinkerbelle (book of the same name) was made by Robert Manry back in 1965.  He was a copywriter at the Cleveland […]

Obit: Charles Krauthammer, a favorite commentators passes

| June 21, 2018

Although we were given the heads up by Charles Krauthammer just a couple weeks ago, it is still sad to know that his life is over. With cancer returning, it was an expected end … and one "with no regrets. It was a wonderful life – full and complete with the great loves and great […]

Books: Robert Kurson’s Rocket Men and my very own Moon Rock

| May 24, 2018

A moon rock? Yes, my very own moon rock … or perhaps "rock" or even "stone" is too big a word – maybe moon chip or flake is more appropriate? Nevertheless, the publisher’s promotion to encourage social networking assistance in marketing Robert Kurson’s new book Rocket Men, The Daring Odyssey of Apollo 8 and the […]

Retirement – different from what your parents experienced

| May 11, 2018

Retirement is continuing to change and "has changed a lot in recent years, and may be far different from what you expect," says Tom Sightings, author of You Only Retire Once. The biggest difference is that you will most likely be responsible for overseeing (or hiring out)  much of your own finances and health care […]

Book: Churchill’s Trial by Larry P Arinn

| January 22, 2018

After contemplating the purchase of Larry P Arinn‘s Churchill’s Trial at full price since it was published, but having too many unfinished books on my Kindle and reading table, the $1.99 price was exactly what I needed to download. I’m looking forward to the scholarly writing of Dr. Arinn as he delves into the trials […]

World Series baseball and reading a good book go together

| October 27, 2017

The great thing about watching baseball is that it moves at a pace that makes reading a new book do-able while watching the game. Currently MLB World Series game 3 in Houston has the Astros leading the Dodgers 4 -1 in the 4th after they splitting the game 1 and 2 in LA. It has […]

Book: Secrets of Sand Mountain by Philip C Elrod

| August 30, 2017

Every once in a while I strike up a conversation with a lessor known author about their writing and want to read their work. Philip C. Elrod is one such author and after exchanging a few messages, I decided I should at least give the first book of his series about events atop Sand Mountain […]

New book: White Working Class by Joan C. Williams

| May 16, 2017

The Kindle ebook reader is my preferred choice ever since getting my "own" ereader. My buddy Jeff has found a new way to entertain me … gifting Amazon books (this one for my birthday). I sense that he assumes everybody reads as much as he does? I assure you that I do not … but […]

Reading Predictably Irrational on a Kindle and some humor

| April 19, 2017

My friend Jeff and I try to get together for a Friday lunch once or twice a month. We often discuss work, politics and management, particularly as it relates to his job and potential advancement … although we recognized the limited number of years for that second part. Anyway, one of the books he is […]

Books and WSJ page: Trumped! A Nation on the Brink of Ruin

| September 27, 2016

After watching David Stockman on Wall Street Week this past weekend, I was intrigued enough in his message of economic panic to pick up the Kindle version of his latest book. Although he is not new to the "Henny Penny" view that economically we can’t continue on the current path, hearing and reading his analysis […]

Book: Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates

| May 5, 2016

A good friend of mine loaned me his copy of Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger yesterday and as someone who enjoys learning about history, I can’t wait to read this book. At a time when four Muslim nations routinely captured American merchant ships along the North African Barbary coast […]

A new book to read from Fox News host Juan Williams

| April 21, 2016

I would have put the title of the book in the subject line, BUT it is a long one: We the People: The Modern Day Figures Who Have Reshaped and Affirmed the Founding Fathers’ Vision of America … whew! Title aside, I’m really looking forward to readings Juan Williams thoughts on the impact on America […]

Tania Aebi’s semi-famous Varuna sailboat in the marina

| November 19, 2015

I know semi-famous boats can end up anywhere, but ever since I saw Robert Mandry's Tinkerbelle (Ohio) when I was a young boy dreaming of sailing … and Robin Lee Graham's Dove on our honeymoon after idolizing his adventure as a teenager … I keep my eyes open. Low and behold, Tania Aebi's Contessa 26 […]

Get What’s Yours: The secrets to maxing out your Social Security

| March 12, 2015

In discussing FICA taxes the other day, I discovered just how much I didn’t know about one of the biggest taxes we pay throughout our entire working lives. I’m guessing most Americans are in my shoes? Now “let me be clear,” as President Obama has been known to say, I’m NOT “that” close to retirement […]

Book: The Rape of NanKing – The Forgotten Holocaust of WWII

| January 25, 2015

I picked up a book, The Rape Of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust Of World War II, published in 1997 and written by the late Iris Chang. I decided to read it after a bit of Twitter sparring with CBJapan1 and his/her “allegation of lying” about the book and movie Unbroken, as well as how America […]

TechFriday: The movie Unbroken and ebook on Overdrive app

| January 16, 2015

It has been a few years since my wife and I have gone to the movie theatre, but when Katelyn and Drew were visiting they convinced us to go with them to the movie Unbroken. Besides being a history oriented true story based on the book by Lauren Hillenbrand, the WWII timelined story put to […]

Two great books for the holidays: 41 and America in Retreat

| December 4, 2014

Finished the best book I’ve read all year, “41” by George W. Bush last weekend and started a new Kindle ebook on my tablet, “America in Retreat” by the Wall Street Journal’s Bret Stephens. Both are well written and very enlightening … although I’ve just started the second. The GW Bush book about his father, […]

Books: Reading “Duty” by Robert M. Gates

| June 15, 2014

As civil society’s long drawn out war on terror or GWOT continues dealing with Islamic terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda, the U.S. struggles in an effort to wind down military involvement and to leave political stability in Iraq and Afghanistan. After reading many of the biographies, political and history oriented books being published, I’ve gained better […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog